0.1.0d Patch Notes
Thank you for deleting my build, not just nerfing, straight up deleting it. I am thankful that I can enjoy my holidays, I was planning to stay in and no life this game, but going out and spending time with family and friends will be the better choice, and I can do it with no regrets.
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Alright, so I've been seeing a lot of people complain about several things so I'm just going to put my 2 cents in.
I joined POE 1 during Synthesis league after years of talking shit about it being online only and not Diablo, granted I'm in my mid 30's at this point and pretty much a gamer for life, I feel like it's one of the best games ever made. About 2.5k hours in, I'll tell you guys this, GGG ain't never steered me wrong. As a nobody, with no content and barely any feedback from myself to them after what I could consider a small amount of support I've given them in the form of actual money, I'd say that I'm not mad. Yes, I am playing a "cast on" build. Yes, I have had a mageblood before, thank you for asking! (ALSO big ups to boat league and currency exchange market, that shit was mint!) No, I don't consider myself a gigachad expert like some of our top community players (best boi Ziz, DS_Lily, Mathil, Quinn, Ghazzy. jungroan, AND of course our lord Ben etc...) I figure I'm somewhere in between. Nerf just hit me in Act 1 Cruel right before I went to bed...now I'm back here after a work shift the next day and I gotta say, it's not that fucking bad. It actually does seem balanced. I was waaay to strong for what would be considered to still be the tutorial of the game in which all the acts and parts aren't even finished AND still, I consider my build to be pretty damn strong right now. Got no worries on GGG taking care of things proper from their end. I've played EA games that offer MUCH MUCH less. They definitely are listening and I'd even say for the first time dealing with a true fear of success and people actually knowing who they are in the industry and having this many players. To the people who actually think they care about the money more than the game, sure, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd disagree. Have some faith in a company that actually listened to the playerbase for OVER A DECADE and give them time to adjust. Things can literally only get better from here. I paid my $30 knowing full damn well what they were offering and I'm looking forward to being able to help them make it better. That being said, at the least, a free respec would be great. Hell, even a week of free respecs would probably take care of like 99% of these complaints. Last edited by thisisthedefinition#7784 on Dec 13, 2024, 1:07:20 AM
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Just uninstall and apply for a refund after you nerf cof.
Fuck that ea. IGN: shit_I_kill_OAK/beforeday
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4.3k hours playing POE1,
just need 24 hours to realize POE2 is far away from being properly released. very pretty graphics, zero fun. will stay in POE1 on a regular basis and re-check it in maybe 10 months. hope ggg hear ur guys x |
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I rarely complain, but I have a hard time seeing the need to completely render COF/Comet useless.
You started out by saying you rarely do big changes, but you were targeting some egregious outliars, that's what you said when you nuked gas grenade and the warrior 1-hit smash thingy. Seemed fair.. at least gas grenades still work, the build can still perform. But now you go from hitting big outliars to murdering builds that don't even do half of what gas-grenades was doing and you don't adjust them, you kill them... why? You didn't even kill gas grenade... why are you murdering comet/COF? And then as everyone else pointed out... a full respect for even just an early map character is like 400k+ gold ... That's insane when you are doing these sweeping changes every other day. |
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Typical GGG.
Kill an entire build, not nerf, KILL. And not even a “We’re sorry, here’s a respec.” GGG just doesn’t care about their player base. Seriously, is the goal of this game to increase the global amount of planetary frustration? It’s a GAME! They are supposed to be FUN! What GGG just did, RUINS the fun. I’m dumping this game and doing a non-support just like the last few seasons of POE. And I’m the kind of player with enough wealth to max-support every season. Dumb, just dumb. GGG should take a cue from Brandon Sanderson. Now that’s a guy who delivers and LOVES his fans and never craps on them. |
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Note to ALL players: this is why you NEVER buy supporter packs until a few weeks in on EVERY season.
It’s hit or miss with GGG. Some season are good. Others are total trash with decisions Ike this one and others. I will NOT be purchasing ANY supporter packs for POE2 until I see some care about player time investment from GGG. Until then, nothing. |
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Damn near 1800 replies and not a single peep. Disgusting. Easiest uninstall of my life.
"We missed one! :D" Devs are trolls. |
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How about balance ES vs Life ? I can barely get 2500 life with Life mod on every gear item, but they just get 10-20k ES easly and facetank everything. Is this thing called balance?
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correct me if I'm wrong:
- Cast on freeze was exploited by one skill abuse applying way to much freeze leading to several comet/second activation. Only mana consumption left as limiter. - Fix consist in deleting all cast on X mechanisms. Few questions, please enlighten me: - with which skill could we abuse cast on Ignite? Best I found was incinerate casting approximately 1 comet per second yet being exposed because it's a channeling. Did I miss the exploitable skill despite many hours exploring ignite possibilities? - What about cast on crit? - Why not simply nerf the freezing skill in question? Why punish everybody? |
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