10% xp penalty is far too frustrating

It's terrible, why in 2024 would you disrespect players so bad when that 10% could be an hour or more of their real life time, But like I dont delete my save file in single player games when i die or delete all my gear in wow, or uniinstall mods in warfraem etc. Like are pnuishing mechanices from the late 90's the "vision" that will see this game have 2k players in a year?
Last bumped on Feb 14, 2025, 5:09:39 AM
A bit of context: this is a feature coming from PoE1 (a game with way more than 2k players btw) that was expected in PoE2. Being level 100 is generally not a big upgrade from being 90-95; and in PoE1 it was relatively easy to get to that spot.

I don't personally have experience endgame yet, so I won't comment on the content.

Given how the game is harder than PoE2 it would make sense if the XP penalty was dialed down if deemed too much.
Last edited by Eynix#2213 on Dec 11, 2024, 8:28:56 AM
Losing only the XP of the map itself would be enough imho
Yeah currently Level 79, If i die ONE TIME is lose FOUR HOURS of exp, in a game with turbo shit balance, random one shots, and 20 hors to get ONE LEVEL this game will absolutely be dead before launch, this will kill your casual playerbase, unless your plan to sustain your company was to divide your current shrinking playerbase, maybe you reconsider GGG.
I hate xp loss.
Spending hours of my time to gain XP just to die to something that I can't prevent at all is just tiresome. The penalty needs to be removed. It isn't fun. Leveling doesn't feel like an accomplishment. It feels like I survived a car crash. I don't care what people say if they defend xp loss or say they like it they are just huffing copium.
just don't die, problem solved.
Reaching high level is supposed to be a rewarding achievement, not a overtime freebie handout.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Pashid#4643 wrote:
just don't die, problem solved.
Reaching high level is supposed to be a rewarding achievement, not a overtime freebie handout.

In a game where you can get one shot off the screen, in a game where something under you can blow up without a literal second of warning, in a game where most of the time you never see the floor because of all the shit exploding on screen, in a game where currency drops are rng as fuck and crafting even more so, in a game where you are already punished enough when you die without having the loss of xp just be thrown on top of you. Not everyone has the time to spend hours and hours a day every single day grinding out xp. The time we spend in the game is being disrespected. You get a quarter to a half through a level and then you basically have to stop doing content in order to try to get the level only to still end up dying because some random rare has a random mod on it that just fucks you up.

It isn't rewarding to level once you get to 93. It just feels like you survived a damn mugging.
This is why my POE1 characters have stopped at level 90. It takes HOURS and HOURS to level up at that point and then some 1hit monster ruins the whole days preogress.
Yep exp loss sucks. The game has too many oneshots and on-death effects to even justify it.

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