Trial of Sekhemas bugs
U can´t target the Crystal´s correctly with a Controller.The X Button arround with Mobs dont really works. The PC Player havent the Problem.They can Click on the Crystal with 20 Mobs arround it. Evry Mission with a Crystal to Click is horrible and running out of time.
+1 bump
Still problems with trials failing and having to log out of game completely. Please prioritize this after you guys come back from holidays! My Rates (as of 9/14/2014) are:
1 exalt:1 divine:9 gcp 1 gcp:2 regret:3.5 chaos 1 chaos: 1 scouring: 2 fusing: 2.5 alch Also, always looking to trade for chromes! 8:1 chaos |
Let me add the inability to access the 3rd trail. Everytime i get disconnected and the loading map is Trail of the Sekhemas and message - The terrain is not in sync with the server.
+ 1, I have the same issue.
Yes, still an issue.