What happened to Chris Wilson?

cesmode#5569 wrote:

Now, if they've sold their shares, Im very worried that design direction and decisions will be tied more to $$ and not to the health of the game and respecting its players...

dont worry, they actually sold their shares 7 years ago. tencent bought something like 87% of the shares in 2018, so in effect tencent have had total control of the game if they wanted to for the majority of the games life, there were 5 years where chris and jonathan had the controlling shares and 7 years with tencent having control.

and those 7 years tencent has been in control poe1 was doing fantastic, its never changed the game to be about money.

to put it in perspective GGGs total yearly profits are less than 1% of tencents yearly profits as a company. if they could increase GGGs profits by 50%, which would be huge, it would still be almost invisible on their balance sheets, it would mean absolutely nothing to tencents share holders.

they dont care, they have never cared about ggg changing to make more money. they get to control the chinese version of the game, thats all they seem to care about.

chris sold the last 13% to them this year. it doesnt mean anything, theyve had 100% control since 2018 and the last time chris was in control of the development was about 2015.

thats the thing chris and tencent have in common, neither are the people responsible for the great success of poe1s last 7 years. the people who did all that amazing work are the people still running the game. theyre just in a period of intense development and when theyre done poe1 and poe2 will resume a proper league cadence putting out amazing content and all this nonsense on the forums will be forgotten about.

That's a great summary of what copium projection is about lmao
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Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Mar 17, 2025, 4:51:18 AM
cesmode#5569 wrote:

Now, if they've sold their shares, Im very worried that design direction and decisions will be tied more to $$ and not to the health of the game and respecting its players...

dont worry, they actually sold their shares 7 years ago. tencent bought something like 87% of the shares in 2018, so in effect tencent have had total control of the game if they wanted to for the majority of the games life, there were 5 years where chris and jonathan had the controlling shares and 7 years with tencent having control.

and those 7 years tencent has been in control poe1 was doing fantastic, its never changed the game to be about money.

to put it in perspective GGGs total yearly profits are less than 1% of tencents yearly profits as a company. if they could increase GGGs profits by 50%, which would be huge, it would still be almost invisible on their balance sheets, it would mean absolutely nothing to tencents share holders.

they dont care, they have never cared about ggg changing to make more money. they get to control the chinese version of the game, thats all they seem to care about.

chris sold the last 13% to them this year. it doesnt mean anything, theyve had 100% control since 2018 and the last time chris was in control of the development was about 2015.

thats the thing chris and tencent have in common, neither are the people responsible for the great success of poe1s last 7 years. the people who did all that amazing work are the people still running the game. theyre just in a period of intense development and when theyre done poe1 and poe2 will resume a proper league cadence putting out amazing content and all this nonsense on the forums will be forgotten about.

I agree on the tencent part, but I disagree on the part that Chris didn't have any impact on PoE for the past 7 years.

Even tho Chris wasn't actively designing PoE anymore and he wasn't in touch with the state of the game in alot of ways, he still was in charge of the company. He was the shot caller and the one assigning people to certain projects, probably creating time lines and took care of all employees. Also he managed to ship a league every 3 months, with very little exceptions.

The impact without chris at the helm is definetly on display right now and it began roughly around the time when Chris and Jonathan sold their remaining shares. (maybe even before that, if the rumours are to be believed)

I really hope GGG can get back on course, but even the best designers can't be trusted without a good captain steering the ship. Only time will tell if Jonathan has what it takes to replace Chris, right now I think he has way too much on his shoulders. (that's just guessing of course)
What happened to Chris Wilson?

He perhaps diversified.
To quote him when in regards when they did the Exalt/Divine swap.

On a more serious note. I think he's gonna work as some sort of advisor in the H&S arpg genre or supporting/promoting (rogue like/HC/H&S arpg like) indie games maybe. Or even make a new game on his own.
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"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

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Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Mar 17, 2025, 7:40:54 PM
What happened to Chris Wilson?

He is locked in my basement.

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