weapon set swapping: assigning an item to both, and manually choosing which weapon uses a skill
Obviously the main purpose and benefit of the weapon set mechanic is the ability to equip entirely different weapons, and use skills that require different weapons in one larger loadout. Maybe you want to fire off the occasional arrow rain while whacking things with a hammer.
But I'd really like to be able to use weapon sets that have the same main/off hand equipment in both sets, not just a whole new piece of gear. Suggestions are better with example premises, so here we are: My main character so far is a ranger. On that ranger I've got 2 bows currently worth using One is spec'd out for mob clearing through a map. It's a Death's Harp, which fires multiple extra arrows and refills life + mana on kill. The other bow doesn't have all the extra arrows, but has more damage boosts and mods that don't require kills. I would use this 2nd bow for fighting the bosses and elites in these maps, after using the Harp to reach them. I want to use the same quiver with both of these bows. Yes, I could manually go in my inventory to swap bows every time I reach/kill a boss, but seeing as we have this nice weapon set system where you can swap on a button press, and don't have to leave gear taking up what little bag space we have, it's be great if i could just apply that quiver to both sets, saving myself the repeated inventory management. Once I started equipping both of these bows at once, it occurred to me that for anyone equipping two of the same gear type across their sets, there's reason to control which one actually uses specific skills. Were I to equip a hammer and a bow, the game would automatically switch between them whenever I use a skill. But what if I had a bow that boosted fire damage, and another that boosted ice damage, while using skills of both elements? If I ever forgot to press my swap weapon button in between skills, or the game just didn't do the swap even though I did press it, I'd be firing my skills out of the wrong bow. If only I could assign the fire skills to the fire bow, and the ice skills to the ice bow, I could ensure I'm always firing from the correct weapon. Perhaps a warrior is using a 2 handed mace, with a shield in their 2nd weapon set. If they find a once handed mace with the right modifiers, they may want to equip it with the shield, but they'd have to manually swap back to make skills use their two handed weapon. Unless they could just assign the skills to that item set, so even though they're holding the one handed mace they'll automatically switch weapons to the two handed when using mace skills instead of accidentally using the one handed because they blocked a second ago. Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 12:55:29 PM
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"You can do this part from the skills panel. Click the little arrow by the dps number to expand the stats window for the skill and there are checkboxes at the bottom for that skill being enabled in each of your weapons sets. If you have your fire skills only enabled in set 1 and ice skills only enabled in set two, then when you use those skills you will quickly weapon-swap first if not already in the appropriate set. This is actually how it works for the case of different weapons like bow/hammer as well, just that the skills are inherently disabled in the set that doesn't have the right weapon type, whereas with two weapons of the same type they default to enabled in both and you need to specify if you want it otherwise. Once you've got your skills set up how you want them, there are few uses for manually weapon-swapping. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Dec 9, 2024, 5:43:26 PM
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is there any way to opt out of the weapon skill point system and just get standard skill points. current system feels wonky and it wont let me spend weapon points where i want & this would require respecing to place point where the game wants me to use them.
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" The weapon skill points mostly just are regular skill points, they just let you spend them in two different places at once, by marking a weapon set. They aren't additional points, they're an option to activate for regular points. If you spend points in the passive tree without selecting a weapon set first, you're adding passives to both weapons. When the tree shows "0 passive points, 8/8 weapon set 1 points, 8/8 weapon set 2 points" that means you have 0 points to spend, and you still haven't used any for weapon specific settings. The next time you earn another point, it will show 1, 8/8 and 8/8. If you select weapon set 1 before spending the point, it will show 0 and 7/8. Then when you select set 2 it will go back to showing 1 and 8/8, until you apply it there for 7/8. By spending your points without bothering to select weapon set, you have effectively opted out of the system. |
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" But what if we want to use the same skills on both weapons? I am trying to use the Rampart Raptor unique crossbow in my second weapon slot so that during bosses, I can swap to it and use all the free bolts with my Frag Rounds to quickly break their armor without reloads. But I still want to use Frag Rounds on my primary crossbow. As I understand it now, I have to set up a separate fire key for each crossbow, otherwise it just swaps to the Crossbow Shot you have bound to LClick. I also think this hurts the flavor of the Merc. When I first equipped my second crossbow, swapped to it, loaded a bolt and clicked fire,...and it swapped to my primary crossbow and fired?! After getting used to thinking of my skills as ammunition to be loaded, I now have to switch back to thinking of them as separate skills/spells. This may be too much for me to juggle and has taken some of the wind out of my sails. I would really appreciate a "Fire Held Crossbow" skill to add to left click. Or if I manually swap weapons, I'd like the Crossbow Shot skill bound to LClick to change to the crossbow I'm holding. Thank you for reading. Last edited by BikeJones#2808 on Dec 9, 2024, 8:19:56 PM
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All gem skills work as noted above, where you can select which weapon sets they can be used with.
Innate skills of weapons, such as firing the crossbow, whacking someone with a mace, or casting the spell of a wand are inherently used with the weapon that gives that skill, and cannot be bound to the other set. This makes a lot of sense, in that if you equip a two-handed mace in one set and a bow in the other, you'll be able to bind "attack with mace" and "fire bow" and each of those will obviously swap to the correct weapon to be used. This does also mean if you have the same type of weapon in both sets, you'll have two instances of that weapon's skill, one for each set, and you'll need to use the one you want. Crossbows have an additional layer on this in that the basic innate "fire crossbow" skill is the one you mostly use, the ammo skills just change what it does. So if you have crossbows in both sets, you'll have a "fire" skill for each one that need bound separately. Each of your ammo skills can be set to only used with a specific set (will swap to that set and load that crossbow when you use it) or used with either set (will load whichever crossbow you're currently holding when used). | |
I do love how easy weapon swapping feels. There is a lot you can do with it, I just wish there was the option to keep a one half of a weapon set on both sets. What if I want to build around a unique 1 handed martial weapon, but I want to weapon swap just the off hand for utility? Should I really have to get 2 of that unique? What if I always want a shield but I want a wand spell sometimes and other times I want to hit things with a 1 hand martial weapon? Should I really have to find 2 good shields to do this?
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" This is very disappointing to hear, as it makes a two crossbow merc unplayable for me. Still, thank you for your response. |
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You can bind "Fire Crossbow" to both weapon sets with others skills being weapon specific.
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" You most certainly cannot. There is no "Fire Crossbow" there is only "Crossbow Shot" which is specific to each crossbow. So you have to have both "Crossbow Shot" skills assigned, assign specific ammo skills to a specific crossbow, load that ammo, then have both "Crossbow Shot" options on the skill bar and remember in the heat of battle which crossbow uses which ammo to fire at the right time. Which double sucks because of the below... " This does not work. If you have two crossbows and assign an ammo skill to a specific crossbow, it does not really "swap" to that crossbow because of the two different "Crossbow Shot" skills that are required to fire each. There needs to be a generic "Attack" option that simply attacks with the currently equipped weapon, or in the case of the Merc, fires the currently equipped crossbow with the currently selected ammo. It's already a disadvantage that the Merc has to use two different commands to attack, first a command to load ammo, then another to actually use it, while every other class just uses a skill immediately (and swaps weapons as assigned without the need for a second "attack with weapon" key assigned). If using two crossbows, it doubles. Command to load ammo in Crossbow 1. Command to fire Crossbow 1. Command to load ammo in Crossbow 2. Command to fire Crossbow 2. Is there any other class that has to press four different buttons to use two attacks? Not to mention having to take into account the attack speed of the crossbows, plus reloading time, plus weapon swapping time. We can bind 13 skills, drops to 11 because of the apparent need for two different "Crossbow Shot" skills. Can you honestly say you could assign 5-6 different ammo skills to one crossbow, the remaining 5-6 ammo skills to the other crossbow, and remember in the heat of a boss battle which ammo you've got loaded into which crossbow and which "Crossbow Shot" attack you should be using at that particular second? By the time anyone is a few levels in, no one is using the generic weapon attacks any longer anyway, every class except the Merc can just use a skill immediately. I get the "ammo" mechanic and the need to load the crossbow, but we really need either a generic "Fire Held Crossbow" option or the ammo skills need to be load and fire and not just load. The crossbow Reload time is effectively the "cast time" on every other class. If I push the command for an ammo skill that is loaded into the crossbow it should fire it. If I push the command for an ammo skill that is not already loaded into the crossbow it should load it then fire. Same as every other class that assigns specific skills to specific weapons, push the command and it swaps and executes the command instead of this four command song and dance the Merc has to go through. |
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