POE2 cant attack or use abilites

Randomly during combat my character is unable to attack or use skill but i can still roll and move around.

I confirm there are no debuffs, silences or anything else on my bar.

most of my deaths are to this inability to participate in combat, it can last anywhere from 5 seconds or more.

Unless this is a mechanic that does not show up in the debuffs then this is a major bug thats making the game unplayable for me

Build is Monk/Inovoker, main skill ice strike.
Last bumped on Mar 5, 2025, 10:46:36 PM
This has been happening to me very frequently as well.
This bug has caused me to die many times, and im playing the same build as you Monk/Inovoker, main skill ice strike.

From what I can tell it mostly happens just after iv interacted with something , eg. Essence mob or opened a door in a map.
I popped a expedition a few hours ago and for the first 5sec I could not attack I had to keep dodge rolling, MAYBE its some bug that the game is keeping the char locked into interaction longer then it should
Ive had this happening like 100 times since I started playing. I it happens after interacting with some sort of item, then My char can run around and dodge but not attack or cast spells for 4 seconds.
This is still happening on ice strike, just started a new ranger and happened level 1 as well.
+1 still getting this
I've also noticed this just now. For me, it happened when I interacted with a lever in a map and I think I got frozen during that animation. Afterwards, I had to exit to character select to fix it.

Portal just said I can't do that at this time.
Yeah this is annoying. It's on every one of my characters. Totally random and I actually thought I was silenced but I can't see any debuffs also this happens on random places.

Everytime on my merc I think I'm out of grenades. No spells are working for 1-5 seconds.
Iv no idea how this is not fixed, iv died so many times to it and I can replicated it 100% with out issues, If you interact with any object and dodge roll you get locked, this can happen with the following
Essence mob release
Breach Hands
Breakable objects

here are 2 videos of me replicating it no problem both showing my mouse inputs



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