Cannot Open Gemcutting Panel on Xbox

We really need this gemcutting panel asap, it's like you need to ding a lvl to look up passive tree lol

Realy missing a key or button to open this menu at any time!!
Can we please have a key to open the gem cutting menu with out a gem. This is possibly the second most important menu in the game other then the passive skill tree menu.
Not so crazy that this may have been overlooked and expected to be addressed.

It's completely crazy to me that it's intended to keep the player in the dark and not make such important information easily accessible.

From a veteran perspective who has been through the skills and supports, spirt buffs, etc a bunch of times I can see how it may be trivial. From a new player perspective it's a huge oversight.
+1 Pretty Please
We need it! Very inconvenient to plan anything without it.

This confused me for a while in understanding the system...

Since these gems end up living in inventory etc, I guess that's why it's not there, but I like to plan ahead - don't you?

Why would this be intended? Makes absolutely no sense besides making the player keep at least 1 skill and 1 passive gem in storage. Is it intended to take up 2 storage squares to make you have to buy a stash tab that much earlier? That would be the only reason I see behind it being intended from a dev standpoint.
And i was thinking I'am just too blind after 15 minutes of tyring to manualy open the menu...

Cannot be intended, as a new player I want to look around in the game and then something isn't accessible.
Last edited by Cobr4#0360 on Dec 25, 2024, 2:02:41 PM
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