(Outdated)Frostbolt/Eye of Winter, Coldsnap, Cast on freeze Comet
This is my current level 72 Stormweaver build. I'm working towards crit focused cold skills.
This is no longer being updated, I've become addicted to and am grinding other games for now so I will not be playing PoE2 for a bit and this will not be getting updated. I have cleared everything in the story with little difficulty once I got Frostbolt + Cold snap online. My current skill tree is: Endgame Tree I'm aiming for: This endgame tree is subject to change as I continue to level and get gear/the ability to anoint passives. I will try to keep this updated so anyone who might be interested in this build can follow along. Edit: -Updated lvl 62 skill tree -Made a separate Comet setup for single target and moved Unleash to this. -Swapped Wildshard to Glaciation -Added Arctic Armor back now that I have 100 Spirit -Swapped Frost Bolt to Eye of Winter for crit debuff -Updates will likely be slow for a while now that I’m in maps and I’m trying to flesh things out, I’m working on fixing survivability which is an issue currently and with my current gear/stats it’s proving to be a bit difficult. -Updated to lvl 70 skill tree. Quite a few respec's done. -Updated to lvl 72 Skill tree with more changes, and endgame skill tree changes. -5th-6th Ascendancy gained, added Elemental Storm to gem links and swapped support gems around. Build showcase in Act 2 Cruel - Spoiler warning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isbiws_7_4Q Leveling tip:
-Use Spark and Firewall early until Frostbolt
-Replace spark with Frostbolt and add ice nova to cast on frost bolts -Use Frost Bomb and Frost wall as you unlock them -Switch Ice Nova to Cold Snap once unlocked -Grab Hypothermia when available -Proceed with Frost Bolt + Cold snap with Frost Bomb and Frost Wall -Grab Comet and Cast on Freeze when available and proceed like in the showcase video! -Small tip I would recommend not using Cast on Freeze with Comet until you have sufficient mana regeneration to support it Gem Link:
Sigil of Power
Elemental Storm + Magnified Effect + Controlled Destruction + Cold Mastery + Life Bounty Cold Snap + Elemental Focus + Cold pen + Conc Efect Eye of Winter + Glaciation + Pierce + Inspiration Frost Bomb + Fast Forward + strip away + Considered Casting Cast on Freeze + Comet + Spell Cascade + Biting Frost Frost Wall + Echo + Ingenuity + Icicle Hypothermia + Heightened Curse + Persistence Comet + Unleash + Inevitable Critical + Supercritical Lightning Warp(for culling) + Soul Drain + Life Drain Arctic Armor + Clarity + Cannibalism + Herbalism Frost Bolt + Scattershot + Blind + Glaciation (if you’d rather use Frost Bolt over Eye of Winter) Playstyle:
Focus on casting frostbolts as you move to always have some projectiles out to freeze enemies you come into contact with, if you have to use Frost Wall to cut off their pathing or block projectiles. Cold Snap can be used on anything frozen to finish it off if it's not dead already or use it on a Frost Bolt for a burst of extra damage. Anything too tanky just drop a Frost Wall + Frost Bomb + Comet(unleashed)
When it comes to bossing it gets a bit interesting. Frost Wall has a unique interaction where it cannot occupy a space that a large enemy is occupying and will detonate immediately, both normal large enemies and large bosses, because of this we can abuse spam casting it with echo to instantly blow up the walls for big damage and instant freezes. Primarily with bosses that you can do this to you will want to drop a frost bomb + curse and a Sigil of Power, then spam all your Frost Walls, then drop Comet with unleash, then cold snap when the enemy is frozen, then proceed to frostbolt + cold snap while you wait for Frost Wall and your unleash comet to come back up and rinse and repeat. Gear: As far as gear goes I'm just going with what I'm lucky enough to get. Ideally you want a Chiming Staff for Sigil of Power or a good Wand + shield. Good stats to look for on weapons are: Gain % of damage as extra damage Spell Damage % Cold damage % + level to all cold spell skill gems Cast speed % Crit chance % Crit damage % Good stats to look for on Armor: Life Resistances Energy shield Crit damage or chance if available Movespeed on boots always Good stats to look for on Jewelry: Life Resistances Crit chance or damage Cold damage/Spell damage Cast speed +level to cold gems. Hope anyone interested in the build enjoys it as much as I have so far! I will try to keep this updated as I progress more through the game and the endgame. Last edited by KyleMasc#7189 on Dec 19, 2024, 3:21:39 PM Last bumped on Jan 15, 2025, 8:30:54 AM
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At your attribute points on your skill tree are you always going intelligence? If not which ones do you go for a different one and what are they? The link only shows that its an attribute choice and not what you picked.
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" I have 3 dex nodes chosen and the rest are all Int. I got the dex nodes just to have enough dex to use a few green support gems. The large +25 int node at the top I plan to get rid of once I have enough int on the rest of the tree/gear. |
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Keep updating your progress! Build looks interesting and I'm excited to see what you come up with in the future.
Could you give yourself away and tell what passive points on asc tree are you planning to choose? :) Last edited by GiMNiK#5584 on Dec 8, 2024, 6:24:57 PM
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I was already doing the cold snap build i was wondering where the cast on death is? and is sigil of power comeing from your main hand/??
Sorry didnt play poe1 I appreciate the build thank you so much | |
"yeah sigil of power comes from a weapon. |
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Been playing this build too from the start, great build! How do you add links to your skill, im 49 and still only have 2 supports for skills.
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hi which wepaon has sigil of power need help on finding it please
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Have you thought about running MoM and stacking tons of mana to go with Force of Will ascendancy?
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hey man, been doing the same build more or less
just got into cruel, single target dps seems terrible now first boss in act1 devourer just doing like zero damage to him lol absolutely melt entire screens of regular mobs though but wow this is super underwhelming on bosses... guess its time to look for more spell dmg wands |
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