POE2 Augury Map doors not open

I got hit while using a lever. That lever was bugged. Teleporting to the city and back helped.
Also had this issue. Portal'd in and out and one of the levers was not pulled
Last edited by Skitzyy#4266 on Dec 13, 2024, 5:05:40 PM

Logging out, then fixed the problem with one lever.
I was able to complete the map.
HI, same issue here, open portal then go back your hideout and then go into the map again, you will seee that one lever is not used :D
same need to relog and tadaa it works
Had the same issue. And yep, TP in and out works.
Had same issue. All levers pulled - door won't open.

Got out of the map, went to Clearefell act 1, traded with some random dude, got back to my hideout, entered the map - last lever wasn't pulled? I pulled it again, it opened.
I ported out to town and back, and it let me use the lever again. then i was able to get in

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