Staggering Palm + Impact Shockwave not working

As the title says, the heavy stun from staggering palm is not creating aftershocks.
My guess is it's immediately turning into a projectile skill and somehow not reading the original skill heavy stunning or something like that, but I cannot seem to get the aftershocks to work.
The visuals and damage clearly work on boneshatter on warrior so it's not the gem itself.
Last bumped on Dec 23, 2024, 10:41:00 AM
i can confirm. it is bugged
I noticed the same. Including some other small issues that should be addressed.

Staggering Palm also does not specify that the projectiles can not chain which should be addressed. The projectiles act more like "waves". This language is confusing and should be addressed in the body text of the skill somewhere.

Whirling Assault also does not proc Impact Shockwave. Perhaps its an interaction with Monk skills specifically.
Thought I was being clever, having come up with the idea to slot Impact shockwave to Staggering palm allll by myself. Alas, the support-combo does not seem to work, indeed.

EDIT/UPDATE: As of patch 0.1.0e, Staggering Palm + Impact Shockwave is still bugged.
Last edited by Xervath#7027 on Dec 19, 2024, 8:20:38 AM
I can confirm that this interaction is still bugged. Staggering Palm's impact + Armour Explosion does work, though.
I can confirm that this is still bugged.

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