POE2 Can't login to specific character

Same Issue for me, my Deadeye is stuck in the Trial of Chaos
IGN: Ciceross
yeah same here just started happening when I went back to my hideout. I got DC and now crash to login screen instantly when trying to load into my hideout.
I can't login to my character either... was TPing into a random map, just kicked out and now unable to login to my level 88 character. I can login to my other character.
Same happening with me, was mapping with buds. We all got disconnected (joining from a friends hideout), all got DC but I'm the only one who cannot join.
I am experiencing the same issue. Was playing coop with a friend. We both entered feythorn and got booted. He was able to log back in, but I was not.
Same issue for me, by the looks of it there's like 1,000 people with the same issue. I assume they are working on it... guess I'll go back to rocket league until they fix it lol
+1 cant log into main in hideout. Other characters are fine.
same thing for me. about to try clearing cache to see if it fixes it or not. will let you know

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