POE2 Can't login to specific character

Same thing just happened to me
+1 for me as well. Same problem. Loading back to hideout after a map, attempt to select character, its starts loading the hideout then disconnects back to the main login page. Works fine with other characters
Last edited by Erased321#1010 on Dec 17, 2024, 10:00:37 PM
Same here, just finished 1st floor of sekhemas; now I can't log in. Level 73 monk zRiffz
Same problem for me too.
Just got locked out of my main char. Getting the same error (unexpected disconnection). Other char is working fine. plz help
Same Here all the way to end of act 3 50 hours. now cant login.
made new chracter connects fine.

any1 found a fix yet?
got disconnected and now I end up in the login screen every time I try to enter with that character
Same issue here, left a map using a portal. I was kicked to the login screen. Upon trying to reload my character I continuosly get bounced back to the login screen. I can log in to other character but not my LVL 89 Ranger.... Please help.
Same issue... I was taking a portal back to my hideout after completing the map.. Was disconnected during that loading screen, now when I try to re-enter the game with that character it crashes me back to the main log-in menu. Made (2) alt. characters and they have no issues loading into the game?

Please help
I am also having this issue after portaling back to my hideout from another hideout. On my main.
Last edited by PowerWeapoN#6006 on Dec 17, 2024, 10:01:10 PM

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