POE2 Can't login to specific character

seems to be the majority of people who got the traped from the error is using Infernalist, my class also infernalist, to explain things before i got locked up, i was trying to test out Demon Form, went back to town to put some points in it then added some Vitality support gem, then went back to flooded city to test how vitality holds into Demon Form HP consumption, after the test I open the portal to go back to town, entered the portal and I got dc'ed, and when im trying to reconnect, i cant login anymore and throws an unexpected disconnection occurred error when im trying to load my character back into the game server.
Last edited by Kyouma#5759 on Dec 8, 2024, 6:12:40 PM
same problem here
Level 27 Mercenary, had just done first ascension to Gemling Legionnaire and when trying to use the portal to leave the area this error hit me, now that character cannot be logged in.
Same here. I can't get into my main, Rosadim, (lvl 44-46 around there)
After picking up demon form from infernalist and entering a new zone the game never loads anymore...other caracters is working fine
same issue here after entering jungle ruins as infernalist
Same problem here - can't log in after ascending Merc and putting point into "Integrated Efficacy".
I know it's EA but I'd rather do not start new char so soon:(
same here, cant login after 2nd lab, dose ggg support even answear on forum?
Last edited by ztembl4#3804 on Dec 8, 2024, 6:54:24 PM
Same issue level 45 infernalist.

Finished trial of chaos, took ascendancy points and then perma dc when tyring to leave.

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