POE2 isn't "Hard." It's unfun.

I'm enjoying it.

I get why it might not please everyone, but... the same team doing POE 1 leagues will continue doing so after this POE 2 crunch period. Its not going away, you can STILL play it :)

POE2 Boss Fights

Attack, Attack, Roll, Attack, Roll, Attack, Roll, Attack, Roll, Roll, Roll, Attack, Roll, Roll, Attack, Roll…

1-10 minutes later…

2 Possible outcomes:

1) Dead - (Usually a 1-shot where you missed one Roll) Do it all over again
2) Killed Boss - Get a blue, rune and a currency item

The boss fights are challenging for sure, and beating a boss can feel like quite an accomplishment, but they take far too long for far too little loot. As a result, I just don't look forward to boss fights. I couldn't imagine having to restart a trial from the beginning after doing multiple sections and dying to the boss at the end. How long would that take to repeat?

I feel like an ARPG should give you better rewards based on effort required so I'm not enjoying this as much as I thought I would.
Played all day yesterday and this morning. Tried several classes, respeced for more defense, shield, health, offense, everything.

It would be one thing if the game gradually progressed in challenge in a fun way. It would even be OK if as you approached end game there were tiers of encounters that really pushed even the most professional full time gamer to the limits.

If I couldn't defeat that content, I would at least still have a lot of game that I could play instead. This game starts you out on a mission to punish from moment one. It's not fun.

I am sick to death of every game trying to be dark souls. I've heard people saying that POE1 was "hard" in the beginning. First of all, no it wasn't - not like this. I wanted a game the felt like an evolution of POE1 or ARPGS in general. This has totally transformed it into the kind of game that is NEVER fun for me to play, and excludes me from enjoying the game at all.

I'm just gutted. It's such a disappointment.

I'm having more fun in PoE 2 than I ever did in PoE 1.
Xyel#0284 wrote:
It's amusing to see people who, just a week ago, were complaining that POE1 is too complex theoretically, now flexing that the mechanical difficulty of POE2 is the game's greatest advantage. It's obvious, though, that theoretical complexity > mechanical complexity, as even a monkey can be taught to time a dodge correctly.

That was before they found out that they don't have the mechanical skill xD

The majority of PoE1's difficulty was in the complexity and buildmaking. But you could skip all that by following a build guide, as you could skip game's mechanics by overstacking stats, be they defense or offense. Quite a few people play PoE1 that way, and when they easily plow through a game that's considered difficult, it provides an illusion that they are great at it.

Now, PoE2 is here, and the difficulty starts in act 1, where you can neither build guide your way through it, nor overstack stats to ignore the game's mechanics, and so quite a few people have a horrible case of cognitive dissonance from the game, because they found the hard way that they aren't all that good at the game.

This is the most disingenuous load of crap.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
sunocoz#2181 wrote:
POE2 Boss Fights

Attack, Attack, Roll, Attack, Roll, Attack, Roll, Attack, Roll, Roll, Roll, Attack, Roll, Roll, Attack, Roll…

1-10 minutes later…

2 Possible outcomes:

1) Dead - (Usually a 1-shot where you missed one Roll) Do it all over again
2) Killed Boss - Get a blue, rune and a currency item

The boss fights are challenging for sure, and beating a boss can feel like quite an accomplishment, but they take far too long for far too little loot. As a result, I just don't look forward to boss fights. I couldn't imagine having to restart a trial from the beginning after doing multiple sections and dying to the boss at the end. How long would that take to repeat?

I feel like an ARPG should give you better rewards based on effort required so I'm not enjoying this as much as I thought I would.

This 100%. This should be the banner add and the start of every gameplay summary about POE2. This describes the game perfectly. Anyone that thinks that sounds fun can have at it. And anyone that thinks that sounds boring as hell can save their money.
I came to play an ARPG and got a really crappy knock off of Dark Souls with worse loot, bad exploration and a clunky dodge roll. I got to cruel, it's not that difficult, the people here patting themselves on the back for beating a boss aren't impressive. It's just boring. You just roll around and I use the same amount of skills on my build now as I did in PoE1 cause having to line up too much during bosses means you can't roll as much.

Not to mention the loots shit. It's weird a random yellow named chest will give me more rewards than the final boss of the beta. As an ARPG, it's a weak attempt at difficulty while removing much of what made PoE fun and as a Souls-Like, the genre they clearly wanted to make but were stuck with an ARPG, it's bosses are mediocre at best and flat out tedious and boring at worst coupled with maps that are far too large with far too few things to discover and again, shit loot. I got to cruel, it told me to do it all again but the numbers are bigger and it has minimal left to give me skills/supports wise and I Don't really see why I'd bother. Shame PoE1 leagues are gonna be delayed for this
Last edited by Necrotekk#4404 on Dec 9, 2024, 12:23:31 PM
They CLEARLY made bosses have giant HP pools so streamers could have 'LOL' moments and get more people to buy the game. Greed wins I guess. That's what happens when certain streamers like 'Quinn69' (who is a complete embarrassment and all his fans are idiots) who will sell thousands of extra copies to his fans and viewers. Any publicity is good publicity.

I'm sure he's streaming right now probably with 15,000 viewers or something, getting 100,000 views total. They want long boss fights with him so his mentally slow fans can drool and say 'I WANNA FIGHT DA BOSS TOO MOMMY'.

The huge HP pools for bosses aren't challenging, it's just an insult to players who choose not to use the best builds.

The straw that broke the camels back was when I finally looked on youtube and saw some 5'4 looking bald guy melting in his chair left clicking a boss that was giving me trouble while playing some stupid battle mage left click build. He was just tanking boss hits and probably had 40 APM. The game sucks.

Finally uninstalled and it feels GREAT! This game will last all of 2 weeks before the player base divides into 1/10th or even less.
sunocoz#2181 wrote:
POE2 Boss Fights

Attack, Attack, Roll, Attack, Roll, Attack, Roll, Attack, Roll, Roll, Roll, Attack, Roll, Roll, Attack, Roll…

1-10 minutes later…

2 Possible outcomes:

1) Dead - (Usually a 1-shot where you missed one Roll) Do it all over again
2) Killed Boss - Get a blue, rune and a currency item

The boss fights are challenging for sure, and beating a boss can feel like quite an accomplishment, but they take far too long for far too little loot. As a result, I just don't look forward to boss fights. I couldn't imagine having to restart a trial from the beginning after doing multiple sections and dying to the boss at the end. How long would that take to repeat?

I feel like an ARPG should give you better rewards based on effort required so I'm not enjoying this as much as I thought I would.

There are a few things I don’t like, but loot is definitely the core issue. I’ve found more loot from a chest than I have from some of the boss kills. If there were some decent loot and crafting options I feel like a lot of the griping would be stopped. The excitement of killing a boss is immediately gone when he drops nothing.

This would only mask the problems with the dodge roll and skill gem system, but it would at least be a start. As it stands now I am having fun running through a new game, but I cant see myself wanting to repeat this every league.
Last edited by Pestilence_PoE#6339 on Dec 9, 2024, 12:42:28 PM
I agree. It certainly isn’t fun. I’m midway through act 3 and starting to think about quitting. I’ve never played an ARPG wherein the combat was so unpleasant. First, dodge roll is a huge gimmick. It was pointless to give players unlimited dodge rolls and then design the entire combat experience around having to constantly spam dodge roll, and simultaneously cripple its functionality by designing enemy types that can override it/easily block/pin players as a means to create artificial difficulty rather than rely on straight forward mechanics. It’s ridiculous. My hand and wrist are quite literally sore and aching from spamming dodge roll nonstop… this game is starting to feel like a fast track to carpal tunnel. Second, the enemy types are super fast and too aggressive… meanwhile, the campaign seems to ensure you’re always underpowered by dropping the most useless/irrelevant gear for your particular character class. That said, it feels like I’m moving/dodging backwards more than forward just to survive the onslaught. Third, the campaign is long and boring, not to mention your character’s progression (and access to all the tools/utilities) are locked/gated to your progression in the campaign. This essentially makes it almost impossible to fully experiment with different gear/builds, seeing as the drops are awful. That’s made the game (the campaign in particular) a super slow, tedious, and annoying experience. What’s the point of saving access to all the cool character features until the endgame? I’m sure I’m not the only one now dreading the thought the campaign will be twice as long when the game officially launches… because I’m not sure I’ll make it through if things don’t change.
I hate hearing the standard "git gud" reply for things like this.

The game is actively NOT fun to play. I have beaten every boss I've come up against so far; and though there are a few that feel somewhat unfair, they are doable. The problem is that it's SO slow. I don't expect to beat a boss in five seconds every time I play, that would be just as unrewarding. I should NOT be spending five minutes on a rare mob because it has health regen, however. There was a mini boss I took on that took nearly ten minutes because it would shield, summon mobs, then disappear and reset energy shield. This pattern repeated far too frequently to be able to do meaningful damage. I wasn't in any danger of dying, I finished the encounter with only 3 flasks down. The fact that it took literally ten minutes, though? That isn't fun. It's boring, uninspired, and only serves to artificially inflate play time.

Skill leveling does not have a marked improvement on damage dealt, nor does "better" gear, which drops far less frequently than it should. The only things that make meaningful changes in combat are things like attack speed, cool down reduction, et cetera -- and even those don't feel like they help with damage dealing, it just makes the actual combat feel marginally less glacial.

Those who are trying to diminish the concerns of those who find this to be too radical a departure need to look inward. Is it truly fun to spam a dodge roll for ten minutes in hopes of progressing? I don't feel like defenders of this new direction for PoE truly think the game is great, I think they just don't want to admit how bad it feels after looking forward to it for so long.

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