Controller/Keyboard Hybrid


I hate the fact that I can't jump between the two. I would also love to use mouse and keyboard for menu.

Also, why do they change the ui when I switch to controller, they change way too much. I don't want all teh controls to be moved to the center being ugly and taking up so much space.

I also don't need to be told that I need to press A to open every chest.

Finally, the conversation boxes also change, there are options don't appear when using mouse and keyboard and the options don't grey out when chosen once.

I want the controller for movement and fightingly one, leave everything else as mouse and keyboard.
100% this is mandatory, high priority please
+1 this is definitely insane you can't use both
Exactly. Great game so far otherwise, so there is that :)

Played PoE 1 for years and years, this is my first time playing controller and it feels great.

ya, right? controller is an absolute revelation, its improved the game so much.

but i find myself having to play the game a lot and then log out, log in with a keyboard/mouse and do stash stuff, log out and in with controller and play... oh no, not like this guys plz.

theres gonna be people who want to use a left thumb stick with a mouse to aim while playing, they should absolutely be able to do that. personally i just want to do all my menu and inventory stuff with the mouse and keys please.

much love to ggg what an amazing game, im having the best time ive had in a game since 2013.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
+1 for this please!
Yes please! This is actually one thing that is holding me back from buying.
+1 for this please...

crafting and just inventory management is so much easier with MKB, so annoying having to go back to character screen just so i can use MKB to do some inventory management

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