PoE 2 - I hate trial of the sekhemeas so much

The first 3 floors are rather fair once you get honour resistance, but the 4th floor is just extremely maddening as melee. Just tight corridors everywhere and mobs blocking your path. So you need to get in melee range but also can't roll out of their attacks. Super annoying.
DaHaule#1128 wrote:
I plan to do a more detailed feedback post of my experience with the game so far, but I wanted to at least leave this one:

I hate trial of the sekhemas so much. I hated sanctum league and avoided the mechanic in future leagues. I'm trying to do this literal dogsh*t. The boss has mechanics that don't seem interested in killing you, but seem interested in chunking down your honor. I hate the honor system so much. My most used "skill" is dodge roll, yet the boss spawns volcanoes everywhere.

My build has a lot of life regen, which is worth about bugger all with the stupid honor system.

I want my demon form morph... so if I am bad at sanctum, I have to wait until act 3 for ascendancy?

I'm certain people will flame me for this post. But I am leaving the feedback nonetheless: I goddamn hate trial of the sekhemas! I hate sanctum league mechanics!

wait until you have to do the third and fourth ascendancy... you have to drop the items to get in, AND THEN, if you waited to level up enough... YOU CANT ASCEND IF YOURE OVER 5 LEVELS above the item you got. XDD

I'M SORRY WHAT. You've got to be fucking kidding me really? Tell me you're joking please because if not that's insane.
Both trials are complete garbage. Why is core character progression gated behind super punishing, long, risky trials? This should be for gear/materials/endgame progression.
I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet, so another fun thing to note: if anyone in your party runs out of honor, EVERYONE loses instantly! Because that's fun and makes sense. (Seriously why don't we all just share a combined honor pool if we're going to do it that way?)

Like, imagine if when you died in the trial of chaos, everyone died instantly. Truly amazing design.

Also idk if this is a bug, but it seemed like last time me and a friend ran it, either of us getting hit hurt BOTH of our honor? If that's intentional then it def needs to be a combined pool or this is just ridiculous.
in the end i just got a carry for it. no point to frustrate myself. maybe this is what GGG wants. like back in the day when izaro was hard and people needed carry service for him.
Played a lot sanctum in poe1 and is not a mech I hate, however I see a lot of people having difficulties.
I wanna just share i'm a fantastic MELEE lvl 78 who gets 600damage for traps on switches or obliged to get my honor reduced trying to kill something.
you hit so slot that they MUST hit you, if you cancel animation to avoid the hit you go on cooldown, and again same story
you need to tank some damage to kill things, and they reduce A LOT of honor.
ps: got reliques for a 60% reduced honor loss.
still struggling to get on 4th floor on lvl 78vs instance lvl69
Well, both sanctum and ultimatum were my most despised mechanics...

I guess I will have to wait for trial of the ancestors in act 4 for my last 4 ascendency points.
DaHaule#1128 wrote:

wait until you have to do the third and fourth ascendancy... you have to drop the items to get in, AND THEN, if you waited to level up enough... YOU CANT ASCEND IF YOURE OVER 5 LEVELS above the item you got. XDD

I don't think that's true. I was over 10 levels above the trial for my third ascendancy and I did get it. You just have to make sure your djinn token is at least level 60 for your third ascendancy and I think level 75 for your forth one.
DaHaule#1128 wrote:
YOU CANT ASCEND IF YOURE OVER 5 LEVELS above the item you got. XDD

WHAT?? Is this true? Are you sure? Cause i'm trying (and failing so far) to do exactly that, trials 65lvl and i'm 71+. If i finally manage to complete 3rd floor and won't get my points - DAAMN i'll probably demolish my TV with my controller.

So are you 100% sure it's true and you can't get points if overleveled too much?
Last edited by MaxGor31#4492 on Dec 16, 2024, 7:04:43 AM

its also bugged with controllers... when you die, you cant even leave.

Yes, also this. Need to go to your keyboard and press Esc. Well tested!

Edit. Also another bug: while inside trial using your stash - Y drops items on the ground instead of quick-moving it into stash, as if you opened your inventory but not in stash mode.
Last edited by MaxGor31#4492 on Dec 16, 2024, 7:12:20 AM

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