PS5 Poe2 Supporter pack pricing
I see the supporter packs are live on PS5, but there's only 2 price options, $60 or $100. What happened to $30?
Last bumped on Dec 16, 2024, 6:47:05 AM
Nevermind. The $30 option is available in game, just not on ps store
PS store and in game store tend to only show the first pack to purchase. Then, once you have brought that it will refresh and update with an upgrade option for you to buy the next tier.
And it will do the same if you buy the next tier and show the following tier. Rather than just let you stright up buy the final tier for the total amount. Which i find annoying as i have to make 4 or so individual purchases rather than just one lol. |
So by default there are only three options on There. Whereas Xbox store/official store etc have like a level 4,5 and 6 pack. Does this mean if I purchase/upgraded the first few then the higher level (4,5,6) will become available? As I actually wanted the Thaumaturge pack but it's not an option on ps5