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Path of Exile 2 Early Access Key Giveaway

thank you for doing this.

>Why you're unable to buy the pack
price in my region jumped almost doubled, I missed the regional pricing by a day because of waiting for my paycheck to clear.
favorite fictional character is Himmel from frieren anime.
I have no money because of debts
fictional character : Lightning Mcqueen
Waiden#9514 wrote:
son2cang#7848 wrote:
I have to save money to support my elderly parents and pay for electricity and water bills.
I have a younger brother but unfortunately he died in a traffic accident so I decided not to get married and have children because I knew I wouldn't be able to bear the living expenses. Now I can only play games for entertainment in my free time

Buddha is my favorite. I learned many things from him

Thank you for your reply. But did you know that Buddha, or Siddhartha Gautama, is considered a real historical figure, not a fictional character?

Oh I'm sorry.
honestly i didn't know this.
My elderly parents have been worshiping him since I was even born
From a young age they told me many stories about him including the magical powers he used. Later when I grew up I always thought he was a fictional character.
Now I can play Poe 2
Thank so much, bro
Last edited by son2cang#7848 on Nov 30, 2024, 7:41:07 AM
I'm actually willing to buy if I can, the problem is that our region used to have region pricing but after a few days, they reverted it back to normal pricing. I was suppose to buy a key, but when I was about to, the region pricing vanished. Tbh, I could buy a key full price probably 2 weeks after the release of EA, but it doesnt feel good when I couldve bought it for cheaper. So in some sense, I am unwilling rn until they give us back the regional pricing.

So I'm trying to test my luck on giveaways which I am very thankful for. So thank you and to the other people doing giveaways!
Thanks for giving the EA keys.

As for why i need the key.
its because i want to use poe2 as one of my source as income by making video or stream about poe2.

Now maybe you are wondering what am i doing with my life,screwing myself over,using a game as a source of income,sacrificing pure fun playing the game by making it work related.

Its because i have a condition (sorry i cant say) and make me cant work properly elsewhere,and i only have content creation as my source of income right now,sadly its not doing really well financially,me and my wife barely paying our monthly expense.

My PC right now is actually a gift,not a gift at first,i'm actually borrowing money to buy the pc so i can make content with it,but when due date come,the one borrowed the money said i dont need to pay the debt anymore and wish me luck with what i'm working right now,me and my wife cried that day.

I hope my pc with ryzen 5 5600,rx 6600 can properly run this game while streaming,so i can diversified my income by streaming also.

Though i'm gonna be perfectly honest with you.
Even if i dont get the giveaway key,i plan to borrow some money and get the double priced key,i'm going all in with POE2.

But if i can make my wife happy by not borrowing money again,
Your giveaway key can make that happen.

Again thank you by sharing your key.

Now for my favorite show?
Definitely ONE PIECE,
Favorite Character?
Definitely Monkey D Luffy.

Luffy is someone who is the greatest character in understanding others,even if you act strong/lie/betray,he will skip that bullshit and read you,told you to tell him the truth with what is your problem and what do you actually want,
he is also someone who is gonna do the best when his friend is in need,
i aspire to be like him.

sorry for the wall of text,
its been a long time i write this long lol.
I would support the game if I could but sadly I am not financially able to at the moment. I supported GGG with other offers before such as the first blood one.

>I could have purchased the regionally priced one if it stayed at that price till Christmas (I'm from PH).

Favorite character: Captain Jack Sparrow
Last edited by Altarus3D#0561 on Nov 30, 2024, 10:32:06 AM
It's a money i can't afford to put on a game because here in Brazil things are hard and i don't have a job.
Sheldon - The Big bang Theory

I don't need a key, but nice of you to do.
Thanks for the opportunity to win an early access key! I can't buy the pack due to the fact that I'm a student and for me $30 is a luxury. My favorite fictional character is definitely Lapis from SU :D
Good luck to everyone!
Hello there. I have a bad laptop, but my friend wants to buy me a GeForce Now subscription so that I can play with him, but he doesn’t have the opportunity to also buy access to poe2. I would really like to play with him at the start.
My favorite character, I would say, is John Constantine from the comic of the same name/movie with Keanu Reeves.
And thank you for your generosity!

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