Currency Auto pickup
Having gold being auto picked up is very nice.
Can we have the same for all currency? Last bumped on Dec 16, 2024, 5:55:44 AM
This would be horrible imo. It sort of reminds me of the vacuum crap that LE has. Where all of the resources you pickup are just things that go up in number and mean nothing. If this were ever a thing, I would suspect wisdom and tp scrolls will probably be the number 1 contender for this.
Certainly not for mirrors/divines/exalts. |
gold autopickup is horrible, i still can't resists clicking on gold when i'm near it.
imho they should either go full "super mario jump'n run" or disable gold autopickup. age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill! Last edited by vio#1992 on Nov 22, 2024, 6:37:34 PM
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" Disagree. Gold has autopckup after move. Understand mechanics and it will work for You. However i get what You write, i also sometimes click on it. |
Just sell the power to auto loot a certain items.. Like for example the auto loot item will let you loot 20 pcs kind of item in which you could choose, and if you buy again you will now have 40 kind of item you can loot.. and so on..
so for people who dont want autoloot they can just ignore the auto loot mechanism item and those who wants they can buy it. |
" How about we keep P2W far away from the game instead? |
Seeing how there are people disagreeing with auto pickup maybe it could be a toggle-able option somewhere in options so that all normal people turn it on and zoom across maps while all insane people get to click on currency they want to pick up.
Now regarding portal and wisdom scrolls, I was thinking this would work for all the currency items that your filter shows, so if one does not need any portal or wisdom scrolls then one could simply edit the filter to hide them. I still think that while inventory has space currency should be auto picked up for that quality zoom time. Finally if it would be a microtransaction id pay for it, a currency hoover. Yead id pay for such quality of life improvement. Last edited by Makosi#0909 on Nov 23, 2024, 5:08:34 AM
currency drops in poe ever presented a choice for the player to either play efficiently by ignoring low value currency or inefficiently by hoarding augmentation orbs.
it's a challenge to the player which autopickup removes and since games consist of challenges it would be bad for poe. also, i think many players would quit if ggg abandonned their most important core value of "no pay to win" in the international realm (tencent has loot pets in china). age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
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"I second this! relax - it's just ones and zeros!
" Too late for that. It's been here for a decade already... |