Mac Client - PoE Repeat Crashing - Macbook Pro M4 Max

The /dnd in chat thing worked for me. I killed the first boss and no crash
/dnd works for me as well. Thanks a lot!
GGG please fix this . we cannot play the new event with DND on all the time.
Same Problem. /DND seems to work.

Well, SSF here we come.
same issue M4 macbook pro, few minutes connected then a crash. /dnd works, but is less than ideal..
Ingame: Sakrilegious
/dnd makes the issue less common but it does not remove all crashes and it forces you to very nearly play in SSF. This issue is months old and all that has occurred is a workaround. Why has this gamebreaking issue for a notable fraction of the playerbase been ignored or all but for a third of a year at minimum? Gamebreaking bugs in an established product should always have priority for development resources.
Still happening. Playing trade league with DND all the time is such a bad workaround
To everyone who suffering with crashes. playing trade league with /dnd is worst thing you can imagine. Also standalone and steam clients are really laggy.

I tried a method from here

to be specific i tried this one with a trial version
Crossover (CO) Setup
This method should work on both M series and Intel based systems. The Intel based configuration settings are provided but have not been tested.

- Install CrossOver (Paid).
- Install CXPatcher (optional).
- Install PathOfExile client (Installer file) into bottle (Windows 10 or Windows 11). The appropriate PathOfExileInstaller.exe file can be downloaded from the links in the overview section.
You can also install the steam client in CO, however this is not recommended for reason outlined in the overview section.
- Enable D3DMetal and MSync for M series Mac's. For Intel systems leave D3DMetal option off. It is not known if you need to have DXVK option on or off for Intel systems. Select Msync.
- Locate and open the configuration file in ~/Documents/My Games/Path of Exile/production_Config.ini for M series systems. If the file has text, change the renderer_type setting from Vulkan to DirectX12. If the file is empty, add "[DISPLAY]" in one line, and "renderer_type=DirectX12" in another line underneath it. For intel-based systems, this step may not be necessary. For Intel systems the file location is the same however the renderer_type MUST be set to Vulkan.

As a conclusion - no crashes at all. Performance is just smth unbelievable finally I can return to juiced maps . Laso I installed awakened trade and can check prices.

So need to find what app if not crossover i will use after 14 days

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