lagwin1980 wrote:
Since they have a big sink of currency they set the price they want, then buy everything that gets posted under it, the bot part of it means they would be scouring 24/7 and near insta buying out,,,at a guess
how market manipulation works
current rate 100chaos = 1 divine
i buy ALL the divines available on the market
i relist all at 200 chaos each
other players have no choice as no more divines on the market.
if any player lists a divine anywhere under 200c my bots will automatically attempt to buy the divine from the player asap.
do you want the divine? no one else has divines.
if you sell under the price, i will buy it up. anything below 200c is still profit for me. anyone selling above 200c will be good advertising for me as people will see my rate as more attractive. anyone selling AT 200c will be free marketing for me too as it shows that this is the current market rate.
is there a possibility that i "lose" value? yes but unlikely. people need divines.
the numbers maybe exaggerated but this is how hinakoras locks were manipulated back then. players hoarded them up and brought them back to standard and inflated the market even moe.
but yeah sure, lets not have automated trade. its good for the economy.