Path of Exile 3.26 Expansion Timeline

Not a word from GGG but now a patch to add event into code and a two day 'join event' ingame. WTF GGG.

No announcement of the event. Start it midweek with no notice of date. You're treating your playerbase like idiots here and you don't seem to care on this one. WHERE is Mark on this. He is supposed to be our POE 1 team lead.
Holy moly... Ty GGG... LOGIN
So there is No reward for Lv. 60/70/80/90/100 ?
Just Lv.50 and it done ?
Talismannn wrote:
Not a word from GGG but now a patch to add event into code and a two day 'join event' ingame. WTF GGG.

No announcement of the event. Start it midweek with no notice of date. You're treating your playerbase like idiots here and you don't seem to care on this one. WHERE is Mark on this. He is supposed to be our POE 1 team lead.

I don't know, are you sure about that?
Written at the end of the 3.26 Expansion Timeline post.


Start date: 1PM November 7th PST which is Nov 07, 2024 10:00 PM (GMT+1) in your local time.
End date: Early 2025
Based on: Settlers League
Not voided - characters and items will migrate into parent league afterwards.
Platforms: PC and Console

Sometimes i wonder...
Last edited by Vladimori#5755 on Nov 5, 2024, 10:38:45 AM
Vladimori wrote:
Talismannn wrote:
Not a word from GGG but now a patch to add event into code and a two day 'join event' ingame. WTF GGG.

No announcement of the event. Start it midweek with no notice of date. You're treating your playerbase like idiots here and you don't seem to care on this one. WHERE is Mark on this. He is supposed to be our POE 1 team lead.

I don't know, are you sure about that?
Written at the end of the 3.26 Expansion Timeline post.


Start date: 1PM November 7th PST which is Nov 07, 2024 10:00 PM (GMT+1) in your local time.
End date: Early 2025
Based on: Settlers League
Not voided - characters and items will migrate into parent league afterwards.
Platforms: PC and Console

Sometimes i wonder...

I stand corrected. I missed that at the end there. Mia Culpa
Makes one wonder if they even had ANYTHING developed for 3.26. otherwise i cant understand that decision.

But thats the new GGG i guess. No communications, not listening to the community and making and breaking false promises.

Everyone knows that how the lantern will work is absolute bullshit, and yet they dont even say a single word about that and just let it be. They abondon that event faster than any poe league before haha.
If I had to guess 3.26 will be that last major league for POE 1, like some sort send off thing for us to play while GGG polishes the last part of POE 2.

(if that even, they could also delay it indefinitely because they think it could take away from the POE 2 hype).

After that it's probably gonna be more like D2-style league resets that happens 1-2 times per year, with maybe some minor balance changes and remixes thrown in there. Or they could just pull the plug when POE 2 releases.

"But they've said they will support both games!!!". They've tons of stuff related to POE 2 that's been changed completely so far. To me this was just PR so people wouldn't stop playing 1 while 2 was still in the oven
80-90% of responses are negative, which I understand and agree with most of what people are saying. What is really baffling to me is the fact that, to my knowledge, GGG hasn't responded in any way. It's like they posted this and then proactively ignored every response. Like a $hitty response is better than no response, and it just makes me depressed for the future of POE.
nice but PLS DO NOT MAKE THE MODS GLOBAL 1h rotating that will 100% f'ck the game...that will be TOTAL f'cked if you are not online the onetime there is a good combo out there...100% abusepower....i would even say DONT show us upfront the mods at it as if the necro keystone for random stuff was active ....THAT would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better....

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