PS5 Native Client Fog of War Reset report # 1465090501 with video

Thx for the quick reply, being seen and heard with our problems means a lot for the console community!

Small feedback regarding bugs in general.
I ran a 8 mod corrupted map with deli + harbinger + beyond today that crashed my game.
However, i DID get a crash report screen and was able to send a bug report, something that wasnt possible for most of the problems before.

Unfortunatly, this crash also triggered the fog of war bug again. (I had just reinstalled the game a couple hours ago and was able to play without the bug until this crash happened)
We are aware of the issue and working on a solution.

Thanks for adding this to the queue!

That crashed my game.
However, i DID get a crash report screen and was able to send a bug report, something that wasnt possible for most of the problems before.

Atleast one of my fog of war/filter blade glitches also set in after a crash to dashboard and psn crash report was generated. As way2stupid suggested, there may be some more information to help isolate and repair.

Thanks for getting this on the known issues list!!! Greatly looking forward to a resolution

Same with me - happened again yesterday, reinstall fixed it (for now).

Still having filters that don't exist on my account online but are permanently stuck in my list in game, and new filters never show.

So, PS5 version seems to have the same fundamental bugs that plague the PS4 version.
Though this issue is still on the known issues list, there has been an update or 2 since then.

Myself and others are still experiencing this issue, and still within only a handful of hours in many cases.

2 reinstalls this week, outside of game updates.

Related thread:
Back to the ps4 version for me now ...
Last edited by way2stupid#9491 on Sep 26, 2024, 12:36:59 PM
100% agree. It's well past time that this issue be addressed!
Going on nearly 2 months with near complete silence...

I am well aware of the code of conduct in these forums.

I will continue to argue that this is not NEEDLESS or NEGATIVE because it is fact and proven at this point. Nor is this hateful or even a personal attack with any ill intent.

GGG, I challenge you to also follow your own code of conduct:

Antagonize in an obnoxious manner: through inaction, nonresponse, and censoring anyone who voices concern about the aforementioned

Disrupt Forum or Chat use for others Deleting posts calling for action. What are these forums here for if there is no engagement, acknowledgement, and worst of all no follow through for months after an issue has been identified?

My favorite

Impersonating GGG Staff It's easy to see the title on your name in these threads, the account messages, or the emails - otherwise the continued handling of events make me wonder if any of you actually work at GGG or if the community interactions have been outsourced to a 3rd party company.

For reference:
Still an issue. I have gotten in the practice of opening another game before any time is spent on PoE. Despite this practice, the issue reoccurs and seems to do so in less and less time.

Assuming PoE1 is no longer supported on Sony
Bumping, because it's another 2 months later and the bug is still not fixed.

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