From what we've seen so far, do you feel you're going to stay with PoE1 or move to PoE2?

I'm definitely staying with POE2
Biships#7626 wrote:
What do you like about PoE2?

The dodge roll?

Interactive spell mechanics, there is some thought to how you engage mobs and boss. You have to switch up skills and support skills for different bosses. I can see what is actually happening on the screen. There is actually a sense of accomplishment growth when you over come an actual challenge. You press more then 1-2 buttons and the screen doesn't just melt.

Plus it's a sunning game visually and athestically.

Definitely needs some tuning, better loot drop ratios, I would be up for a phase mechanic on dodge roll. I hate getting stuck on things. Some sort of out of combat movement speed be it mount or boost. Some better sound telegraph for boss attacks, they are sometimes hard to see.

That paradigm that poe1 has 1 button is complete bs. Builds i've played over the last few years mostly had all skill slots used and on top of it all flasks.

You definitely have the option to 1 button some builds if you want to. Some people are willing to sacrifice some top end stats for convenience. It’s nice to have options on your play style and not be forced to play a certain way.
PoE 2 all the way!
1453R#7804 wrote:
Not to mention the jank crap people will inevitably come up with, like Ward Loop.

That "jank crap" is what people liked PoE for. As well at bottle-mancy and great flexibility in virtue gem use. I suppose you're arcade game lower if your attitude to these features are like that.

Proactive defense whch replace passive defences is EVERYTHING anti-aRPG.
aRPG concept is that _everything_ that matters is character abilities and gear. Player's physical prowess being above average human limits shouldn't matter in an action RPG. Or in most MMO RPGs, these usually tend to push onto mental part - memorising patterns, correct conditional actions and such.

(Psst, DarkSouls Isn't an RPG, cRPG or aRPG. IT's an arcade 3rd person hack & slash, RPG elements here are less visible than in a jRPG).

But PoE1 takes player's physical prowes and makes it madatory. And yes, being able t spot attack and use active dfense in narrow, less tha 0.3-second perios is a physical skill, not mental. Visual perception, which applied to low visibility image, is also part f physical prowess.

Essentially it becomes stupid guessing "can I roll defense or is my latency (which consists of 3 parts: network latency, eye-to-hand latency and brain's current ability to process overloaded and dim image) good enough that I can press active defense button" added with "game just decided active defence didn't work because _some_ server-side timing issues". The latter is actually why i-frames exist.

This is arcade h&s game with slapped on top Meridian-like MMO endgame. It's not a rogue-like. I didn't found any feature I liked PoE for in it. Neither I found anything original, everything in this game was invented a decade before PoE1.

Tbh, never was good at 3rd person arcade games (FPS much petter, used e CounterStrike competition player) and online arcade games never worked for me also for reason becase netwrk latency is always very bad. PoE shows 60-170 ms, but it looks more like 200-300ms due to how sluggishly animation works.

What I found is paractically everything I _didn't_ liked about PoE1:
1) Visibility\telegraphing of abilities - arcade way, not aRPG way. Even worse than PoE1, because in PoE1 moost of dangerous abilities or phases were annouched by voice.
2) Proactive defenese mistiming - that was an issue in PoE1 with guard skills but it was less important.
3) Stateful bugs: invisible groundeffects, dead boss continues to fight, weird immune stages, skill timing or unavaliability bugs.
4) QoL same,if not worse than 2016 PoE (yes, I played early versions).

New problems:
1) Low clarity UI, lack of highlights. I suppose that's some of adepts of Modern UI had grabbed it. Can't see ability use/cds. Hard to hee how full are flasks and it's unclear that these single-pixel outlines there are. Health/Mana/ES clarity somehow _worse_ than PoE1. PoE1 HuD interface was _excellent_ in everything but space it obscured.
2) Dying anywhere, even in acts erases loot. In a feaking loot-based genre. Whole game feels like oriented on wasting time without any kind of preceiveable progrees.
3) Abilities weirdly timed. Quite often with some classes (e.g. warrior), you can't find time even do a single attack as you have to dodge and blcok all the time. An act boss may start attacking every second. Your attacks take 1.5-2 seconds to roll. If you have to dodge or block, attack stops (kind of nonse with blocking).

The very first boss in game obscene, either lagging or weird animation issues + absense of clarity: grey mush visualizing attacks on grey mush, a grey boss on a grey bagground swings a grey chainsword (wut? seriously?) at grey character whose active defenses aren't visible. Scene brightness how it is designed currenly doesn't help much. It looks like a post-processing filter that reduces sharpness and color depth to increase overal brightness of image (essentally same thing driver does when altering brightness in OS settings).

Last edited by EllAnteres#7194 on Jan 12, 2025, 1:25:42 PM
i play both
poe1 and poe2

they are so different and so good ..both

Do you live with the illusion that POE 1 will get support as well as POE 2?
Or is that easy to lure you like a little child?

Let me explain:

1. Pay support for PoE1 (by buying packs).
2. Instead of PoE1, PoE2 gets developed actively.

We got: Settlers.
Next we go: Necro settlers.

February is coming: Necro Necro settlers.

There is a lot of work to be done. New classes, new ascendancies, new league mechanics, etc etc etc. (FOR POE 2)

And POE1 will be a side joke.
If you want to play POE 1 - you are screwed so bad.
I mean soooooooo bad.

Hands down.

i play both
poe1 and poe2

they are so different and so good ..both

I do not know what game you are playing... but it is not POE 2.
End game is speed running with one button and screen-wide clear.

I see no difference whatsoever.
Tbh PoE 1 is atm far better as PoE2 at lest for me so yeah will stay on PoE1
But i hope the new classes and weapons are fun then yeah poe 2 hopfully good at some point

BTW give new poe1 season

That paradigm that poe1 has 1 button is complete bs. Builds i've played over the last few years mostly had all skill slots used and on top of it all flasks.

Man I wont say you are hypocrite, but It is kind of self explanatory.

I am looking at you settlers "Molten strike" build.

First item. You have "blasphemy support" to automate the curses as auras.

Second item. You have "Mark on hit" to automate snipers mark.

Third item. You have "Cast on damage taken" to automate immortal call.

Fourth item. You have three auras.

You are a joke...

You speak to others as if you know stuff. And yourself you are doing fully automated builds.

Just like the rest of us, but we at least do not pretend to be different.

You should delete your commend, and stop lying.
That is all.


BTW give new poe1 season

The second new PoE 1 leagues starts. PoE 2 is down to 0 players.
End of early access.

Best we can do is start Necro Necro Settlers in feb.

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