From what we've seen so far, do you feel you're going to stay with PoE1 or move to PoE2?

Lyutsifer665 wrote:
will poe2 heavily rely on WASD or its just an option for people who want it? that would be a big deal breaker for me.

It is an option, but Game Director Jonathan Rogers stated that he thinks WASD is the superior movement compared to classic click-movement. I will for sure try the game with a controller and it will probably be my go-to even on PC. (controller for combat and during maps, mouse/keyboard in towns for inventory/stash) I do hope you can seemlessly swap between the two and use both ways of input during gameplay!

I have 10minutes of gameplay in POE1, but the sequel is easily my most anticipated game. Path of Exile 2 absolutely looks like a game that a lot of brain power, thought, as well as passion, went into. Countless, countless improvements over the first game, new systems, new never-before-seen Combat in an ARPG game has been created. The amount of dedication from the devs, the fact that they care to make a GOOD game in so many aspects, from animation and visuals, to sound, to gameplay systems, just boosts my hopes for the game tremendously. That's just my observation.

I dare to compare Path of Exile 2 to the level of hype that WoW Vanilla brought (not Classic), back in the day. It really will be the best game since the original World of Warcraft came out and I do hope everything goes smoothly at launch (15th November). Even though its labeled as Early Access, we all know it's a soft-Release.

I am not delusional enough to believe the game will be perfect. It won't. There will be bugs, issues and things we don't like, which will show up as we progress and play. However, the high quality of the product will be obvious to people that know.

Much yet to be parsed out: will WASD movement ruin the flow, is it going to be slow AF? will AH feel like shit as it does in so many games, will concessions to console/mobile make it feel like a kids game?

it will be huge on launch cuz most big titles are, but if 2 stays a hit I'm not convinced 1 continues to be developed - depends on the cash flow of course, but we'll see.
If you already enjoy PoE, will the reasons you do change in PoE Too? And will such changes Make PoE Too as enjoyable an experience on its own, or will they be jarring and detract from it? ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Last edited by Raycheetah#7060 on Aug 28, 2024, 4:39:23 AM
Yeah, there are so many questions about the "feel" of the game. We need to try it before we decide.

1) Combo-focus
While spamming one skill (PoE 1) is repetitive, spamming 3 skills/animations over and over again, 'fishing' for the same opportunity attacks all day, every day will be just as (if not more) repetitive in the long run - and way more sluggish when your timing is off.

2) Speed
A lot of people like the pace of PoE 1. And while some people that have tried PoE 2 say that it "becomes fast", we have no evidence of that. Why is that?

3) Flasks
If they are serious about having to portal back to town to refill flasks, I'm probably out from the get-go

4) 1 try on bosses
This will feel like crap if their boss design is as unforgiving (read: Unfair) as many of the fights in PoE 1. The amount of mechanics, animations and telegraphs they have to get right to make this work, is huge.

5) Endgame questions
We know nothing, and 90% of us are here for the endgame. How people can say "I will stay with PoE 2" without knowing more about the endgame, is beyond me.

Those are my 5 points of worry.
(Disclaimer: I don't follow the development that closely, and some things might have changed)

There are also some things I'm very excited to test out, like the weapon swap system with "multiple" passive tree options. More classes/specialization is always nice too. And visually it looks great, both the graphics and animations. But who really cares about that after 50 hours of gameplay? I don't think many people plays boring but beautiful games, but a lot of people are playing fun games without state of the art graphics.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
Yeah, there are so many questions about the "feel" of the game. We need to try it before we decide.

1) Combo-focus
While spamming one skill (PoE 1) is repetitive, spamming 3 skills/animations over and over again, 'fishing' for the same opportunity attacks all day, every day will be just as (if not more) repetitive in the long run - and way more sluggish when your timing is off.

2) Speed
A lot of people like the pace of PoE 1. And while some people that have tried PoE 2 say that it "becomes fast", we have no evidence of that. Why is that?

3) Flasks
If they are serious about having to portal back to town to refill flasks, I'm probably out from the get-go

4) 1 try on bosses
This will feel like crap if their boss design is as unforgiving (read: Unfair) as many of the fights in PoE 1. The amount of mechanics, animations and telegraphs they have to get right to make this work, is huge.

Couldn't aggree more with these points. Especialy flasks and combo spamming.

I will try the game for sure, bur there's no way in hell I'll keep playing if I have to constantly tp back to town or keep pressing 3-4 extra buttons(along with dodge,movement,flask,lol) just to do decent damage. This sounds like some jrpg nightmare scenario to me.

The item drop is another thing we have so little info about. I hope it's nothing like in the gameplay videos we've seen so far and they have some nice ground loot rework in store.

So yeah, what I've seen so far doesn't seem very appealing to me personally. But I hope I'm wrong and we'll be able to make all sort of crazy builds and blast through maps in end game, even if a bit slower than in poe1.
PoE2 for sure, I played PoE for 12 years, time to move on.

Oh and if PoE2 sucks then I just won't play either.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
Last edited by ampdecay#1924 on Aug 28, 2024, 6:46:48 AM
Since I know the Devs and their Designs in PoE1, adding that up for PoE2 which will be Souls-like.. I probably will just try out the game and stick to better souls-like.

Probably sticking with PoE1 then.
Depends how its balanced and the direction i think they will go when seasonally supporting it.

Will take a good few leagues before i can ascertain that as you never know when GGG will let something slip and just cannonball the game in another direction.

That is doubled if we are talking about PoE2 specifically because i think a broad part of its appeal is that it doesn't have all the accumulated elements PoE1 has but if they start introducing mageblood type items for example or ubers (the new kind not the old kind) i'd rather just play PoE1.
Last edited by Draegnarrr#2823 on Aug 28, 2024, 8:11:18 AM
poe is broken, layers and layers of stuff piled upon a bad engine. poe 2 isn't
Phrazz wrote:

2) Speed
A lot of people like the pace of PoE 1. And while some people that have tried PoE 2 say that it "becomes fast", we have no evidence of that. Why is that?

I think this is the most interesting point, and one that will likely be the most jarring for PoE1 lovers.

The fact that they have total control over what is shown and experienced up to this point should be very alarming to those who prefer a faster style of gameplay.

There is nothing stopping GGG from showcasing an endgame build briefly, with overpowering general mob interactions. They are either not doing so because...hmm I have no idea, or it simply isn't the pace the game will deliver.

I think PoE2 is definitely leaning towards a slower, souls-like, arpg blend. Perhaps the thought is that PoE1 is still going, so what's the point in a similar experience, essentially PoE 1.5?

Risky yes, but if it appeals to a wider audience, perhaps more risk = more reward in terms of financial performance.

We will have answers soon though once we get our hands on it.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Aug 28, 2024, 9:32:50 AM

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