Game breaking update. Memory leak. Lag. Crash. Definitely not shaders

The word is out, GGG. You guys are truly making this situation worse not only by not fixing it, but also by remaining tight lipped about any resolution.

It seems like you guys need some help.

If you need a Console Community Manager, I'd be happy to send over my resume.

It really does feel like we are doing your job for you at this point, from testing and giving every detail for reports to fielding questions and providing resolution to some issues.

This is market you, as a company, chose to expand to. You are far from providing a usable service, but still advertising sales such as stash tab mtx.

At this time, the conversation has spread well beyond these forums that you have, for far too long, decided to ignore. It's no surprise as people who love this game, but can't play it will congregate in some of the same places. Twitch and reddit are buzzing with "console is unplayable".

A very recurring observation is that this looks exactly like memory leak from bygone leagues. Maybe take a look into that or any of the DOZENS of videos and bug reports that have been provided and reported.

As a final note: while I realize PC may be your bread n butter for earnings, console gaming holds a majority of the purchasing market. Many dedicated PoE players also spend far more in MTX for a "free" game than any single AAA title.

Last edited by pandaman1012 on Aug 26, 2024, 11:08:34 AM
Last bumped on Aug 27, 2024, 9:08:15 PM
the game gets worse the longer you play it until it starts freezing. reinstalling restarts the process of buying you a few hours of playtime before the game "bleeds" itself out again and starts freezing once again. surely a leak somewhere
Nicely put exile.

Absolutely disgusting the way they are treating console.

All the money people have spent supporting these guys and this is the way they treat their player base.

So much faith in this company has been lost from this league
I really wonder how Sony feels about the state of the game currently, or if they are even aware?
Sourly, I believe sony would be even more apathetic.

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