The Real State of Path of Exile Console - See GGG - Bug Report: 4218164273


GGG, watch this video and draw your own conclusions about the quality of the game! The league was amazing, but the quality of the game is disgraceful, it reminded me of the Heist League era.

In a 10-minute video there is Disconnect, Freezing, Invisible Wall, Desync and Lagging.

How can I play in this state?

Leaving the league.
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
Last edited by AlanLeoPio on Aug 25, 2024, 12:39:40 PM
Last bumped on Aug 29, 2024, 8:05:35 AM
Create a bug report and put it in the title.
What a perfect example of what we have all been explaining and "complaining" about.

There is no exaggeration that this is in an unplayable state.

Sure, some of us can manage a few maps here n there, but blasting juiced content with a build you've been able to actively farm for and tweak has been inaccessible to most.

The issues are only getting worse. Please continue to report and spread the word.

Going to start a reddit campaign and a call to action with streamers pretty soon.

The lack of response or compassion is heartbreaking for those that have been fans, long or short.

Do not support the game in the state that it is in at the present.

I don't believe I'm alone in feeling GGG has lost a lot of good faith and future spendings due to the very poor handling of this.

Please see my post regarding self help steps as well as any response thus far from GGG.
Last edited by pandaman1012 on Aug 25, 2024, 7:55:54 PM

Can you confirm if PlayStation will be getting another patch this league to resolve the issues from this bug report? Or are we waiting on ps5?

We are all experiencing what this Exile has posted.
I actually had hope when a hotfix dropped for PS5 last night...somehow, the lag is even WORSE now. Can't even make it through labyrinth without lag-jumping to my death in a spike pit 😭
At this point I just want to know whether to walk away from the league like so many other people. I Was having a great league up until the patch of doom. If they have given up, so have I.
GGG... At some point you're going to have to address the towering inferno that is the state of play on Playstation. Meandering around shooting a spray-bottle at brush-fires then patting yourselves on the back as you rake in the dough while everything burns to cinders is preposterous and unacceptable, and you know it.

The lack of any improvement whatsoever is ghastly, and the refusal to address it formally is astonishing. You have an unbelievably loyal, committed player-base over here and what's happening right now is bordering on malicious, because I'm looking at a working microtransaction store for a barely-functioning game while it's PC counterpart is sailing smooth on the seas of Kalguur. Accepting payment from people while the game is in this state is actually wild.

You have an extraordinary reaction time to broken MTXs on PC, and what appears to be a daily quota for your community managers with regards to responses on their forums, while Playstation is melting into a unrecognizable goo and grateful to get one response a week from Adam_GGG.

The only explanation is you don't believe it's this bad, and that we're all being dramatic, because not a single person on your team has even touched the console version of this on a stock, store-bought machine.

I guess you're hoping if you ignore the problem for a few more months you won't have to worry about it anymore when us masochists jump ship for PoE2?

This is an awful look.
Hi everybody,

Thanks for all of your reports and sorry for the lack of response. We are planning to release the first batch of fixes for these issues very soon in a restartless patch.
Thank you for finally replying to us. It’s all we want. We know there’s lots of work at ggg but please keep talking to us :)
Thank you finally for the reply. Looking forward for the patch.

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