[PlayStation] 3.25.1 Patch Notes

Game is unplayable after patch. Why even patch the game if it's just going to create more issues? Aren't patches supposed to improve the game?
TheBergerKing_ wrote:
I tested out the clear system cache / rebuild database in safe mode right before the patch. I'll let you know if it's any better or worse.

There's a guy over in the bug reports thread that made recommendations. I found these to be a little more clear:

Hold the PS button on your controller.
From the Power menu, select Turn Off PS5.
Wait until the PS5 power indicator light shuts off.
Press and hold the power button on the console until you hear a second beep to enter Safe Mode.
This should take about 7 seconds.
Connect your controller to the console using the USB cable
Press the PS button.
Navigate to the Clear Cache and Rebuild Database option using your controller.
Select Clear System Software Cache.
Select OK.
Wait for the console to restart on its own.

Repeat for rebuild database.

Edit: I loaded into the forest encampment, jumped to my hideout, and loaded a T16 Grotto quite quickly. Not seeing the lag/uptick in load times that others have. I'll sacrifice 10% XP when I run into crashable league mechanic.

Thx for Testing it Out. Can you share your expereance in my Post. So Others nlknow that it can Work.

Happy looting 😁
Oh HELL NO GGG. Why did you release the patch in the state that it is? Why has nobody from the company spoke out. If the PC patch released this way you would be in panic mode, building on fire. This just shows either no testing was done or that you knew that this was the state. Why not just leave the PS4 alone and patch in when the native ps5 is available. This also doesn't make sense as i thought the ps5 version was ready and waiting on Sony to certify but with this patch release either this is going to be performed after the release or you have to push this to Sony now and we wait longer.

Can you not do a rollback of the patch?

This is worse than Cyber Punk on release.

We can see that POE is struggling on ps4 why not take it behind the barn and pull the trigger.
Patch broke my filters.

I re-updated them and reloaded them, still broken.


I guess it's time for another reinstall.

I really wish you (GGG) would find & fix the storage bug. Or give us back the in-game command to clear local storage.
On those WHO say, clear Caches dont Work.
It didnt worked on German Client .
I Had to Change my console to english UK . Than IT worked. And it still works in the new Patch. Id Just hat to clear Caches again.

Yeah thats horrible , but a short time solution.

Atm i know About 8 Person that tried it Out in our guild and for everyone , its working .

But thats only testet in German Client Users . I cant Talk for people using the english Client naturaly ..

Hope all Others also find a solution and can let us know.

Atm WE only can Help ourselves , because GGG stays quit
Playstation is still an unplayable mess. Bad performance, crashes, lags, disconnects. You dont seem to care about the playstation client.

The Marked for Death debuff no longer prevents the recovery of Life and Energy Shield. It now increases Damage Taken by 50% (from 30%)

This has not changed in the map properties.
im just disappoint it
Game is crashing left and right.
GGG is offering zero support and ignoring all posts on the bug report.

Great league for console.

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