Sublime Starlight, hardest challenge?

How to complete this challenge without somehow obtaining like a 100div (more like 200-300 actually) and buying them from trade?

I completed the endgame grind, I'm level 100, etc. etc. but this challenge... How? What did I miss, what am I doing wrong? Did I miss some cheap recipes?

/off-topic: I'm totally not happy how many T17 challenges there are this league. Not many builds can run those.
Last edited by silverdash on Aug 9, 2024, 4:40:18 AM
Last bumped on Sep 22, 2024, 5:21:43 PM
Depending on the market, you can achieve this for somewhere between 12-25 divines now. It’s not great, but if you save it as one of your last three challenges, you should have accumulated enough currency by then. I managed to get it while farming the "30. Arduous Atlas (Complete maps with a total of 4,000 explicit modifiers)" challenge which yielded me good amounts of T17 maps which I sold to buy this stupid challenge.

Pray nobody starts flipping power runes.
Last edited by silverdash on Aug 11, 2024, 11:20:57 AM
Man I hope somebody comes up with the exact formula to get power runes from shipments. 5 million? 10 million? 10k of every mat?

They're very rare from the 3 bosses. I've killed the map guy 4 times and the shipping/crater guys about 15 times each and I've gotten 1 singular power rune total.
simiilar scenario.. anyone know cheapest way to get them all covered?
GGG, please reconsider this. It feels awful to blow currency on an unnecessary craft.
+1 yeah
too expensive
Check my YouTube Channel if you want :)
This challenge is horrible, it's not challenging either just a huge money sink.
i stopped at 36 because of that challenge. worst challenge ever
We have had more grindy challenges in the past that couldn't be cheesed by throwing currency at it and this challenge would have been fine even if runes had a account bound tag.

If you actually play the league mechanic you auto collect more than enough runes to just throw them at the challenge without problems.

We're slowly going towards the half way mark of the league and there's always the option to just throw a little bit of currency at it if you ended up slacking the entire league.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho

Just waiting for the right moment meanwhile collecting those.

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