Omg that make sense abyssus and shock.


Cycline works and if I fist one dude it’s ok but if it’s more than 1 dude I insta rip. The area damage reflect ??

Anyway great build I still tryna get the rotation down.

I manage to actually not die and level to lvl 91z

I got an additional curse amulet so temporal chains and poacher mark work?

I’m way too noob for the call of steel so I just run mark on hit. So they get temporal and mark on hit same time but u think it’s bad?

Coz mark on hit reduced effectiveness?

I think I gotta upgrade my gems. Can’t get awaken gems right now but 20% quality on inpale support should help w damage right?

Also for the passive because I don’t take call of steel can I take the 60% damage impale one?

Super noob here sorry
Reflect is boost up by curse, shock or anything take increase you damage taken. So better avoid it at all cost unless somehow we can have "cannot take reflect damage." which bypass everything.

I think you can block the reflect damage, but better to avoid it. We don't have uber life bar ; w ;

If you don't use call of steel... I feel like 20% chance to remove all impale may work as it work like call of steel, without timer, but a chance to proc and no aoe. Cyclone already do this, but 20% for combo fist to remove the impale and out right kill some big beefy boi also sound funny enough :3
Slow in, slow out cuz I'm just a player.
Hi, my friend just send me the clip, I wanna ask what mapping like ? Cyclone to the end ? And how can we make sure to crit on boss ? every 4 hit alway crit quite hard to manage in boss fight.
still sane exile ? Nope
I feel like this build stands and falls with impale effect and/or max impale hits.

I'm having around 60% of the OPs hit damage of my Crushing Fist (without Abyssus) but since i have only 6 max hits the initial impale chunk and the cashing out with Cyclone feels weak in some cases in my playthrough (beefy rares, T14+ map bosses). If i crit a map boss with 1st hit its usually a oneshot but that rarely happens.

I also miss bunch of flat dmg and crit multi. But i think main dmg increase would be max impale hits in my case.

Bug related with Crushing Fist & Call of Steel:
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Aug 17, 2024, 8:47:28 PM
In the related video, I was playing on a 5 Link, so I took the time (and blocks) to get the 4th hit in to guarantee the crit (as per the annoint), to skip the ball phases.

I would get hit and slam away from him to get to the 4th hit that guarantees crit
Hi mate I was looking for tanky build to do ritual and ultimatum. What do you think can I do them on this build. Thanks for guide.
I blocked ritual as soon as I got to maps, so I can't give advice there, but it should do it without any issues once you get your chaos resistance to decent levels.

It's _okay_ for ultimatum, a friend of mine made a similar build but with (not Exsanguinate, Eviscerate) instead, utilizing blood magic, and that one clears ultimatums like a breeze
Last edited by Mewfour on Aug 24, 2024, 10:11:47 PM
Mewfour wrote:
I blocked ritual as soon as I got to maps, so I can't give advice there, but it should do it without any issues once you get your chaos resistance to decent levels.

It's _okay_ for ultimatum, a friend of mine made a similar build but with Exsanguinate instead, utilizing blood magic, and that one clears ultimatums like a breeze

Exsanguinate on glad to? Thanks for replay.
DukeMax wrote:
Mewfour wrote:
I blocked ritual as soon as I got to maps, so I can't give advice there, but it should do it without any issues once you get your chaos resistance to decent levels.

It's _okay_ for ultimatum, a friend of mine made a similar build but with Exsanguinate instead, utilizing blood magic, and that one clears ultimatums like a breeze

Exsanguinate on glad to? Thanks for replay.

My bad, I meant to say Eviscerate (The bleed retaliation skill)
ya i play that skill league start was good until end game dmg fall of with area node was nice clear skill . aight thanks for answer !

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