T17 once again are ruining this league can GGG just discard t17 concept?
" Then maybe this is more to your liking. https://pobb.in/t1ly8XdmMzW6 It's just a quick throw together. You'll have to balance the resists by yourself when buying actual gear. Accuracy needs some more fixing for 100% cth and you'd want to use the new bases for better armor and evasion. POB only has the old ones as templates sadly. I used tier one defense rolls to compensate but you can get more out of it with new bases and lower rolls. If mana turns out to be an issue, just use life tap on your main skill, there is enough leeway to suffer the damage loss. I've also left a lot of leeway with rolls, one open jewel slot and no flasks. This can be pushed quite a bit further if you put some effort into it. Can take at least one hit from pretty much any spell ubers throw at you and has more than enough damage to do them. You'll have to dodge physical slams though. Weapon was 9 div on trade but required a suffix reroll so let's say 15 div to get something like that. Watchers eye was 1 div, escape surprisingly just 50c. Rares no clue, best would be to get bases with t1 or t2 SS fracture and craft from there but that's going to be expensive. But you should be able to get something by just harvest rerolling/essence spamming life until you get t1/t2 SS. If the SS route is to expensive slot glorious vanity with divine flesh in the socket near MoM. Will be weaker but should still be sufficient. Last edited by Baharoth15#0429 on Oct 22, 2024, 1:50:17 PM
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" Everyone knows that Chaos DoT skills are in a bad place these days. That fact alone doesn't mean that the "build diversity/viability" is bad. Most melee skills have been bad for years, but got a massive buff this league, making build diversity MUCH better. Maybe it's Chaos DoT skill's time next league, improving diversity even more? Build diversity/viability can be EXTREMELY good, even though there are some underperforming skills out there. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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" yes its more to my liking, looks like an actual build i might just be tempted to league start this and i hope the process of farming itself up doesnt taste like regret there are questions: ballpark the actual cost of the build assuming idk how to craft, cause i get a feeling the weapon is just 5 to 10 percent of total cost... what do you swap out for a movement skill? isnt manual pressing warcries in helmet make this annoying to play? for example vs the teleporting turd sirus, the attack time is already high and then there are extra buttons to press... i also take it that 30mio dps is peak but unsustainable at all times, am i wrong? what is the actual on average dps of this thing in your estimation? POE2 should be the ruthless vision experience and POE1 should be the zoom power fantasy sandbox to capture both audiences.
I petition to return all the fun stuff that was removed or nerfed over the years back into POE1. |
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Can't believe i forgot the movement skill lol -.-
Probably one of the curses or berserk. Or Steelskin depending on how the game play turns out. Cost of the build is really hard for me to tell because i rarely ever buy my rare gear. I pretty much always craft it especially if it's just basic life/res stuff like in this case. It's also going to depend on whether you want that 100% suppress or if you are willing to go with 9x%. You can probably get something with 9x SS going with selfcraft for like 20 divines. If you go for trading and 100% SS then depending on when you buy and how you go about it you can end up with more than 50 divines it really depends on you here. If you drop the SS stuff entirely and use divine flesh then this can definetely be done with <20 div as you won't need those SS mods turning your rare gear requirements in absolute basic life/res stuff which you can get for a couple of chaos even with higher rolls. The build has warcry piano. You wanted a slam build so i assumed you were willing to press a few buttons. You typically cast warcries while you aren't attacking anyway i.e during phases or while kiteing. You only attack once every 2 seconds at most anyway so dps uptime isn't much of an issue. You have mana available to automate more warcries but battlemage, enduring and seismic are kinda mandatory for selfcast as you want those buffs. You don't get them with autoexert. The dps isn't really peak. As you can see, there are no flasks and the only conditional buffs are from intimidate and berserk. If you turn both off you still have 25 mio dps. Curses last a while after the first hit, same for frost bomb so there shouldn't be any uptime issues. Rage will also be full all the time thanks to warcry piano. There is also the matter that, since you usually only attack every few seconds, dps isn't really an accurate measure of the builds damage because the calculation assumes you attack constantly in which case your exerts won't be up at all times. In a boss fight where you spend lots of time not attacking you'll pretty much always have a max hit which is at 36 mio without berserk and intimidate. That will take a significant chunk out of any uber bosses life pool. All that being said, based on your response i assume you never played a slam build. You also say you have no idea about crafting. With both being the case, i wouldn't recommend league starting this. Warcry piano isn't everyones favorite so there is a chance you won't like it. And while i am certain that i can make this build go round, this is just a first draft, i've never played it. There will be issues with gameplay that need to be hammered out that i can't predict just from the POB. Be it mana, balancing selfdamage, sustain during mapping or whatever. If you don't have the confidence to do even this much yourself (and based on your response frankly i don't have the confidence you can, no offense) then maybe you should just drop the idea entirely. Honestly if you are so hot on playing weird builds you should put in the effort to get at least minimum amounts of skill in regards to build making. You won't find guides for this kind of stuff and i can't make and playtest everything for you in advance. Last edited by Baharoth15#0429 on Oct 22, 2024, 1:45:13 PM
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Just tried the Sanctuary map boss with 116% of maximum life as energy shield and 94% spell supp. What a joke, he barely did his thing and died, just insta phasing him.
That said, I am glad the T17s exist I guess. |
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Since you actually did a show instead of trust me bro or copypasta weak builds from poe.ninja I will update my opinion on witch slams from "not even worth trying" to "possible if you are willing to do the piano".
But a rant: I am still not happy with what I am seeing though. The build is not weird or interesting. Its standard echoes of creation autoexert warcry slam template well slapped onto elementalist. Game revolves around the same enabling items and templates, there isnt really anything to discover. And there isnt much to learn in terms of buildmaking beyond figure out the current GGG approved archetype templates and apply the best fitting one to your skill and ascendancy, follow up with the necessary tweaks. That other low dps slam occultist build I conceptualy like much more as its free of mandatory shit. But without the mandatory shit it doesnt scale properly. "Obey template or accept dps/durability problems." Its just dull and uninspiring to me. The more I understand about the game the less I like it. It feels like a well crafted illusion of variety, not actual variety. I miss the excitement and fun, bit by bit it was lost since 2017 with constant ramping up of build requirements. I hope GGG relaxed the grip a bit and brought back the memes instead of what we got now. POE2 should be the ruthless vision experience and POE1 should be the zoom power fantasy sandbox to capture both audiences.
I petition to return all the fun stuff that was removed or nerfed over the years back into POE1. |
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I mean we are talking about freaking uber viability here. The toughest content in the game, shit that like 0,01% of the playerbase can even attempt to do. It would hardly be worth being called that if you could just drag any thrown together nonsense at it and succeed. If you want so be a super special snowflake you can still do that, just limit yourself to the content that was there in 2017 and 2 mio dps is all you need.
You can remove the echoes from that build and still have 15 mio dps. Might still be enough to get it done depending on your skill. But yeah, the more of the good stuff you kick out the weaker your build gets, that much should be obvious. You talk about good old times but let's be real here, the timeline you spoke of was an era where powercreep had removed any sort of difficulty from the game. You could do the toughest bosses in the game with a 4 link and still have leeway. Heck, people did uber elder on level 39 characters in HC that's how much of a joke the game was back then. Completely devoid of any challenge. Sure, in that kind of environment you can hire a monkey to randomly click stuff together and still end up with something that can do all content. If that's what you want then i guess this game isn't for you anymore. Wouldn't be my cup of tea though. |
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" You may want to check out my Youtube in the signature. I put out like 6-8 videos this league on Essence Drain Trickster. I brought the King back from being Comatose - Cleared pretty much all content except Uber Sirus and Uber Maven. Essence Drain is viable (Desperation) and is a solid build. Im currently leveling an Occultist to see if actual Low Life is better or not. Youtube - PartTimeExile www.youtube.com/@PartTimeExile "Remember, youre the best." Last edited by moerutora#4751 on Oct 22, 2024, 9:39:35 PM
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btw Soulrend of the Spiral has to be one of the worst builds I've ever played. Being fast at clearing trash doesn't justify its cost and how crap it is at killing high health targets. Hard pass tbh
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" you definitely dont make only 2x more in t17 maps that theory have been debunked |
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