vk::device::Waitforfences: Error device lost


Since Affliction I have been crashing with the above error (vk::device::Waitforfences: Error device lost) on vulcan and just crashes to desktop on the other renderers.

I have no problem in other games and all my test shows everything working in my end.

I seems a lot of people are experiencing the same. see below:


Its getting progressively worse now. And Im pretty sure its a software problem you guys have.

Thanks in advance
Last edited by kussekurt#5253 on Jul 28, 2024, 6:41:39 PM
Last bumped on Aug 24, 2024, 1:52:55 PM
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I've noticed i've had "Omen of Death-Dancing" in my inventory two times now that i've crashed out with this error. in the last ~4 hours.

Both times i've gone under 25% hp, and the game instantly crashed without using the omen.

Edit : Able to reproduce it
Last edited by Haussman#6986 on Jul 29, 2024, 10:15:09 PM
Had the same issue a few times. Went away for some days, then happened again today. Was just sorting my stash in hideout. Using Vulkan and a RTX 4060.
Chris Wilson took my soul
This keeps happening to me also. ALWAYS in town and usually when opening the stash.
VK stands for Vulkan. Those are Vulkan specific error messages. I've had 2 different PC's with the same error message for over a year now and the only fix I've found is to switch to DirectX. Have not seen the error message again since.
Frequently having this happen as well. Usually in town.
Please fix.
This is a Vulkan-specific error message. I got it on 2 different PC's for over a year now. Switch to DirectX and you won't get the error message anymore. Unfortunate, but beats crashing multiple times a day.
Playing Due Aura and Spark carry. never had such problems pre 3.25
and now in juicy maps or Simulacrum with headhunter game is frezzing after 3 or 4 maps and than constantly frezze after secounds when running the instance again with friend
sometimes i got the massage vk::Device::waitForFences: ErrorDeviceLost
sometimes i need to close the application is not responding (mostly)
sometimes kicked off to log in screnn (rare)
friend dont have any problems with vulkan in this patch ( he have an amd graphics card RX 7800XT but he must changed some settings in amd adrenaline in 3.23 to cure the crashes something with antialiasing)
Friend amd Settings:

maybe helps some ppl on amd cards

Me Running the game on Vulkan / medium Textures dsync off
Nvidia RTX 3060 12gb Memory Driver: 560.94
and constantly game frezzes after some maps in multiplayer
My and frieds MTX are off no fix
changed settigs in driver to DXGI Swapchain and antialiassing / power management /
many changes to application -high in steam or windows many application start changes no fix
deleted caches and completly deleted Poe folder in roaming no fix

i will try some other options like ddu driver roleback to older driver and run a mem check over the night but all other games are stable and poe not.. strage.

Win event viewer:
- <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
- <System>
<Provider Name="Application Hang" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1002</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2024-08-21T19:22:59.3220783Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
<Security />
- <EventData>
<Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Path of Exile\PathOfExileSteam.exe</Data>
<Data />
<Data />

looks like nvidia users are busted ?
Turns out some areas or assets are un-loadable for some users. The game just insta crashes. I had this issue with people I'm trying to trade with, or with little visits to Towns to, e.g., exchange a few wisdom scrolls for portal scrolls. Either peoples mtx forces my game to crash or some other assets, I am not sure. I found out, that it likely has something to do with the new Rune Character Effect because when I took it off by logging into another Character first, it worked.

Luckily, I can log in just fine to any other character. By circumventing going either to Lioneye's or by not having the Rune Effect activated, my Standard Characters were login-able. Otherwise this would have been a bitter ending, not being able to log into the character I poured hours over hours into.

Maybe it's time to let the players decide where they want to login to. Seeing everybody's shiny MTX is cool and everything, but crashing 30%-60% of town visits because someone has a un-loadable mtx effect is kind of frustrating and can, for the case of logins, not even really be prevented by doing something different.

Hope the feedback gets through.

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