Unexpected disconnection occured

I made a trade, after that trade I got disconnected and cannot enter into game on my league char. on other chars I can enter...
what can I do? I cannot play... cannot enter, tried all realms cannot enter anyway
Last bumped on Jul 29, 2024, 2:56:41 PM
Same Symptoms here. Except I crashed in a map. Now my league characters get "unexpected disconnection" when attempting load in. Specifically I crash after selecting my character in character selection, the gears grind a little with initial load into the zone then "unexpected disconnection". I can log into standard characters with no loading issues. This problem is not local to my desktop, I've also tried logging in through a laptop and its returned the same error. Router and computer resets have been done, I've cleared cache and config files as outlined in the pinned threads. and I've done fresh installs through steam, and downloaded the version off the website, and checked drivers. These remedies did not fix the problem. let me know if ggg has a solution.
This is an issue a few of my friends are running into. They cannot login to any of their Trade league (Settler's league) characters. This is definitely ruining their league start experience :(
Echoing others on this issue. My friend is also experiencing this. Its weird because they can log into standard and SSF but logging into trade league or migrating into trade league causes them to be unable to log into town.
Really sucky when we are trying to party play together.
GGG is someone here? 12h have passed and I have the same issue!
Can someone help me with that?
5h more of nothingness and a full ignorance from GGG support staff, nice guys, ty for the best POE experience of staying in login menu. appreciate that kind of support.
Open more support for microtransactions bbetter, and dont solve such kind of issues...
Having the same problem here, i enter and get instantly kicked out with that error message
After looking at my friend's log file, I have found this chunk of log messages repeating every time and he gets disconnected...We have tried running PackChecker, uninstalling and reinstalling, changing renderers, changing triple buffering, tried the stand alone client vs. the steam client, nothing fixes it... Please send help <3

2024/07/27 19:38:59 1363968 890d9d74 [INFO Client 10728] Async connecting to dal01.login.pathofexile.com:20481
2024/07/27 19:38:59 1364015 890d9cff [INFO Client 10728] Connected to dal01.login.pathofexile.com in 31ms.
2024/07/27 19:38:59 1364343 e0343724 [DEBUG Client 10728] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 800 x 800
2024/07/27 19:39:03 1367812 88a910a0 [DEBUG Client 10728] Got Instance Details from login server
2024/07/27 19:39:03 1367812 d5c98b06 [INFO Client 10728] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2024/07/27 19:39:03 1367812 ca3a6996 [INFO Client 10728] Connecting to instance server at
2024/07/27 19:39:03 1367843 ca3a50d1 [DEBUG Client 10728] Connect time to instance server was 16ms
2024/07/27 19:39:03 1367859 1186a0e5 [DEBUG Client 10728] Client-Safe Instance ID = 3736814869
2024/07/27 19:39:03 1367859 1186a06a [DEBUG Client 10728] Generating level 69 area "2_11_endgame_town" with seed 1
2024/07/27 19:39:04 1369281 f22b69e3 [INFO Client 10728] Tile hash: 2815062652
2024/07/27 19:39:04 1369281 f22b69e0 [INFO Client 10728] Doodad hash: 45103505
2024/07/27 19:39:04 1369296 e0343724 [DEBUG Client 10728] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 810 x 540
2024/07/27 19:39:04 1369328 e0345006 [DEBUG Client 10728] [SCENE] Walkability Texture: 621 x 414
2024/07/27 19:39:04 1369468 1187acc4 [DEBUG Client 10728] Joined guild named WuHangMouthBreathers with 14 members
2024/07/27 19:39:04 1369531 ea8334d5 [CRIT Client 10728] Error executing GEAL on Metadata/Monsters/Epilogue/AtlasMilitiaMaul_@69 [1869]: Requires a Game Object (or an Animated Object attached to one); value type is Empty
2024/07/27 19:39:04 1369531 ea8334d5 [CRIT Client 10728] Error executing GEAL on Metadata/Monsters/Epilogue/AtlasMilitiaSword@69 [1870]: Requires a Game Object (or an Animated Object attached to one); value type is Empty
2024/07/27 19:39:04 1369531 ea8334d5 [CRIT Client 10728] Error executing GEAL on Metadata/Monsters/Epilogue/AtlasMilitiaSword@69 [1871]: Requires a Game Object (or an Animated Object attached to one); value type is Empty
2024/07/27 19:39:05 1369828 cff94598 [INFO Client 10728] : You have entered Karui Shores.
2024/07/27 19:39:05 1369968 cff94598 [INFO Client 10728] : You have joined global chat channel 202 English.
2024/07/27 19:39:05 1369968 cff94598 [INFO Client 10728] : You have joined trade chat channel 8,945 English.
2024/07/27 19:39:05 1370000 ea8334d5 [CRIT Client 10728] Error executing GEAL on Metadata/Monsters/Epilogue/AtlasMilitiaSword@69 [1870]: Expression passed to function gave an empty result, expected a location or object
2024/07/27 19:39:05 1370000 ea8334d5 [CRIT Client 10728] Error executing GEAL on Metadata/Monsters/Epilogue/AtlasMilitiaSword@69 [1871]: Expression passed to function gave an empty result, expected a location or object
2024/07/27 19:39:05 1370000 ea8334d5 [CRIT Client 10728] Error executing GEAL on Metadata/Monsters/Epilogue/AtlasMilitiaMaul_@69 [1869]: Expression passed to function gave an empty result, expected a location or object
2024/07/27 19:39:07 1371687 d5c98b06 [INFO Client 10728] [SHADER] Delay: ON
2024/07/27 19:39:07 1371703 374e0d23 [INFO Client 10728] [Item Filter] Preparing to download online filter erlY69fy
2024/07/27 19:39:07 1371703 374e0cc2 [INFO Client 10728] [Item Filter] Hash for online filter erlY69fy is: 20b470ad77e7db500c2401b63148b478
2024/07/27 19:39:07 1371875 374e0cc8 [INFO Client 10728] [Item Filter] Online item filter erlY69fy returned status: 200
2024/07/27 19:39:07 1371875 374e0ce4 [DEBUG Client 10728] [Item Filter] Online item filter request resolved to: 2600:1404:9c00::6010:6119
2024/07/27 19:39:07 1371875 374df809 [INFO Client 10728] [Item Filter] Successfully saved online filter erlY69fy. Hash is now: 20b470ad77e7db500c2401b63148b478
2024/07/27 19:39:07 1371875 78847524 [INFO Client 10728] [Item Filter] Finished reloading online filter erlY69fy. Result: true. Hash: 20b470ad77e7db500c2401b63148b478. Type: Normal. Message:

2024/07/27 20:12:07 3351609 890d9d74 [INFO Client 15728] Async connecting to dal01.login.pathofexile.com:20481
2024/07/27 20:12:07 3351656 890d9cff [INFO Client 15728] Connected to dal01.login.pathofexile.com in 16ms.
2024/07/27 20:12:09 3353953 88a910a0 [DEBUG Client 15728] Got Instance Details from login server
2024/07/27 20:12:09 3353953 d5c98b06 [INFO Client 15728] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2024/07/27 20:12:09 3353953 ca3a6996 [INFO Client 15728] Connecting to instance server at
2024/07/27 20:12:09 3354000 ca3a50d1 [DEBUG Client 15728] Connect time to instance server was 31ms
2024/07/27 20:12:09 3354046 1186a0e5 [DEBUG Client 15728] Client-Safe Instance ID = 1675719866
2024/07/27 20:12:09 3354046 1186a06a [DEBUG Client 15728] Generating level 69 area "2_11_endgame_town" with seed 1
2024/07/27 20:12:11 3355953 f22b69e3 [INFO Client 15728] Tile hash: 2815062652
2024/07/27 20:12:11 3355953 f22b69e0 [INFO Client 15728] Doodad hash: 45103505
2024/07/27 20:12:11 3356093 e0343724 [DEBUG Client 15728] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 810 x 540
2024/07/27 20:12:11 3356140 e0345006 [DEBUG Client 15728] [SCENE] Walkability Texture: 621 x 414
2024/07/27 20:12:12 3357078 1187acc4 [DEBUG Client 15728] Joined guild named WuHangMouthBreathers with 14 members
2024/07/27 20:12:12 3357093 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 15728] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 5, seed = 3769, and keystone selection = 3
2024/07/27 20:12:13 3357921 aeceac73 [INFO Client 15728] Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred.
2024/07/27 20:12:13 3358062 e0343724 [DEBUG Client 15728] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 800 x 800
Seeing the same problem. Unable to connect after disconnecting when TP:ing out of a map.
24h of trying to log into game, ty for support, GGG team

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