3.25.0 Hotfix 2

Cant log in due to virtual kb bug report was recieved and aknowleged by ggg 3 mins after launch and yet all these other issues are being fixed whilst we sit here 3 hours later with a game breaking bug and no info on eta for a fix.

Are we at the back of the que for our fix even although it should be priority????????????
3 hours of trying to enter "the Ledge" in act 1, I get to run a few steps and game just crashes, tried dx12 / vulkan & dx11 all 3 don't seem to work still get crashes on all, also tried opening new instances of the map each time, tried verifying game files few times now along with the 2mb update that went out a few mins ago & reinstalling the game no luck yet, not sure whats causing it looked in the dump logs of poe but it doesnt show an error or crash, just says "entering the ledge" as the last line in the dump file
The fact that there's a hot fix related to controller support on a league mechanic is not good. This shows a major lack of attention/testing for console support. Does not bode well for POE2.
OITF wrote:
Dima_Hatake wrote:
More than 4h and the PS keyboard problem still not solved, unbelievable, it's just a f.. keyboard, come oooooon, I understand that consoles are not your priority, but that's just sad

Hey bozo, they likely already have the fix, but the way Sony handles patches doesn't let them to just deploy it whenever they want. It must go through Sony first which is a long process.

Calm down, gamer. It'll be okay if you play the new PoE league a few hours later. It'll be up for several months so it's not going anywhere soon.
ok bozo, as you say
Dima_Hatake wrote:
OITF wrote:
Dima_Hatake wrote:
More than 4h and the PS keyboard problem still not solved, unbelievable, it's just a f.. keyboard, come oooooon, I understand that consoles are not your priority, but that's just sad

Hey bozo, they likely already have the fix, but the way Sony handles patches doesn't let them to just deploy it whenever they want. It must go through Sony first which is a long process.

Calm down, gamer. It'll be okay if you play the new PoE league a few hours later. It'll be up for several months so it's not going anywhere soon.
ok bozo, as you say

Read their latest post. Literally says they are waiting on Sony to approve it. You have no idea how game development works in any capacity and you just want to go onto a forum and get angry. Go take a walk or something bro, I'm sure your waistline is in desperate need of it.
I can do whatever I want,including being angry on a forum...and I can bet on my life that my waistline is better than yours, you game developer genius that waste his time on a forum to "educate" stupid peps like me! Congrats you are a hero
Last edited by Dima_Hatake on Jul 26, 2024, 8:29:14 PM
Its 2024 , if you do not own a keyboard just uninstall the game.
Ps5 keyboard only works on PlayStation menus and can basically scroll and hit enter.
So owning a keyboard doesnt help. Ggg
On PS5 and literally have a USB keyboard plugged into my console and STILL can't create a character. This is ridiculously disappointing. Edit - apparently a fix is waiting on approval from Sony (asinine that even has to happen in the first place), but I'd still love to know how something so basic was allowed to happen in the first place?
Last edited by TheSmithAgency on Jul 26, 2024, 8:54:29 PM
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