Settlers of Kalguur Challenge Rewards

I really, really hope you don't make the challenges too difficult. My need for that finisher effect is unrelenting, but there are some pressing irl troubles requiring my attention too...
looks good, i'm in
Absolutely love this portal!!

I do kind of wish there were challenge reward tiers for some things though... I don't feel like everything is better with tiers - but the character effect I feel could have been a great status symbol of "I did this league X much" when idling in town, similar to how totems are status symbols of progression achieved for when people visit your hideout.
Big Cool!
this is the first time since i started (late crucible) that i wanna complete a challenge series
Ahhh exile, i'm just a traveler a wanderer if you may.
Eh hoho.
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Just thumbs up for the music.

Back attachments looks meh, if you maid it simpler and less flashy that would be much more better tho
Only 36 Challanges for MAX MTX, i love it :D
now i dont feel pressured to play the very best build =)
What no armor sets?? At my typical pace I will only be able to get the weapon :(
another 40 league for me hehe

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