Settlers of Kalguur Challenge Rewards

This looks to be one of the leagues of all time. I want the portal effect so bad
great job.
Can't wait for it, good luck everyone !
This looks amazing thx ggg
nano_v wrote:
This looks to be one of the leagues of all time. I want the portal effect so bad
great job.

it 100% will be one of the leagues.
Oh thank god not armor.
Support a free Hong Kong.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
Pretty good. Let's hope challenges aren't too hard or grindy this time around.
The music is really good on this video, and the rewards look nice too
Best league ever + decent rewards,OMG I CANT SLEEP I WANT TO PLAY IT SO BAD,LET ME IN!!!!!!!
Will this league will be the best league after the worst league?
Hope so and looks like that already

Nerf to MF
Ingame Exchange Market
Melee love
decent challenge rewards
Nerf to MF
League contents looks good and doesnt require other programs and websites
League contents synergy with actually playing the game
Nerf to MF

Yes it definately looks like a good league

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