Out of curiosity... what's everyone thinking they'll league start in 3.25?

Certainly some kind of max block potentially bleed gladiator.
I feel like i don't want to be bothered with weapon prices/phys weapon crafting this league. Maybe i reroll a melee but i think imma gonna try out that hairy ball lightning of orbiting archmage with no pantz on for starters....
Melee changes are bait, the same caster builds as usual.
Flicker Strike Slayer
I have switched my PoB focus now, and aiming for a 65/65 block, 100% spell suppressed charge-stacking Slayer. Skill? I don't know yet.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Thinking Ice Crash. Ice Crash Jugg was the build I chose when I came back to the game after a ling hiatus basically forcing me to relearn it. Same situation now, and supposedly slams are good again. Not sure if I'll go Jugg, or try something different. Open to suggestions lol
I will do Wild Strike Champion 100% lightning 30.000 evasion/armor, enemy cannot block/evade my attack with new buff its 2.500.000 with bad gear so enough damage to clear atlas and since i don't care about boss fight that enough damage for me.
Probably I'll start with bow warden (LA or Burning Arrow) which will transition into Tornado Shot after I get a decent bow. TS looks great for the left side of warden ascendancy.
Last edited by 6_din_49 on Jul 22, 2024, 4:21:12 PM
I will be starting with Poisonous Concoction Slayer. Ultimately needs Ralakesh and with everyone stacking endurance I might need to actually find it as it might get uber expensive.

Also with recreate my Holy Relc build but will be much tankier.

Not super interested in melee even if this is the melee build.
Self replying sorry. Also toying with an Explosive Concoction Wardem build as I think that could be really viable.

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