Lightning Coil Lightning Coil Lightning Coil

Everyone running with YOU GUESSED IT

Lightning Coil
Lightning Coil
Lightning Coil
Lightning Coil
Lightning Coil

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last bumped on Jul 22, 2024, 12:39:43 AM
they should make it a T0 unique, and make T0 uniques actually rare again imo.

honestly ive never stopped using coil since they added it, through good times and bad xD

lightning coil, phys harbinger, tornado shot, puncture trap. vibes.
You know it probably is a t0 now



Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
With all the new max res on the tree, Lightning Coil's definitely going to shine. With Purity of Lightning you could probably approach the 90% resistance limit just standing around, without any temp buffs. Plus, y'know, the Watcher's Eye mod they mentioned that gives PoL more phys-taken-as-lightning percentage.

Still, with the new endgame base types, the rare life upgrades, and Eldritch implicits, you're giving up more than ever to get that massive phys-taken-as modifier. Quite possibly still worth, but the Craftlords are likely still going to favor rare stuff.


We need revert the changes they made to the flasks.
Last edited by cursorTarget on Jul 19, 2024, 4:16:22 AM
How the f*** does I_NO get to have the entire div card as an avatar? O.O
IGN: JerleSimCity/JerleRuthlessCowGirl
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
GGG, pls extend the forum badge display limit please T_T
Jerle wrote:
How the f*** does I_NO get to have the entire div card as an avatar? O.O
hoho this is I_NO we're talking about here.
-Official Forum Dweller-
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Jerle wrote:
How the f*** does I_NO get to have the entire div card as an avatar? O.O

He designed it as far as I know. That was back when Voll ammy was super high valued for endurance builds but rare to find. A full card as a icon might be an exclusive benefit to those that made cards / items. Hell if I'm paying $1k on anything in game related; you'd better believe I'd get even some minimum benefit.

I've heard different things regarding that though, like some say it's $2k or even $2.5k; while on the other hand GGG claimed they weren't doing that anymore and were backed up. The last player made item I can remember was probably Skyforth some years back. I still have my pair I got in SSF first week SSF was created

I rarely post, but when I do it's important. Fighting for the player, not monsters!
They didn't nerf lightning coil too? Please get on it GGG. I want evasion builds to evaporate the moment their evasion check fails, thanks.
Actually they nerfed other mods which gave us the damage shift mehcanics (damage taken as modifier).


  • Gravicius' signature Veiled modifier is now Banner Aura Effect, instead of Physical Damage taken as Fire and Lightning Damage.
  • Korell's signature Veiled modifier is now Warcry Buff Effect, instead of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage.
  • Many Modifiers that granted Physical Damage taken as an Element or Chaos can no longer roll. This includes Incursion Temple and Delve modifiers on Helmets, Corruption modifiers on Shields, Fire Warbands modifiers on Helmets, and all Watcher's Eye modifiers.
  • The Taste of Hate Unique Flask no longer has 10-15% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage during Effect. Instead, it now has 20-30% of Fire and Lightning Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage during Effect.

And probably Eater of World's implicit modifier on the helmet also removed.

So, that's a problem. Okay, you have Lightning Coild and nothing more, right? So you only have 50% of damage shifted to the Lightning. But it's not enough to be effective choice :-/
Last edited by cursorTarget on Jul 19, 2024, 7:13:44 PM

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