Where are all the naysayers who were against Melee buffs?

The Rare Monster modifier that previously caused the Monster to Overwhelm 30% Physical Damage Reduction now causes the Monster to apply the Crushed debuff on hit.
The Battering Vaal Side Area modifier can no longer appear.
The Ultimatum modifier that previously caused Monsters to Overwhelm Physical Damage Reduction now causes Monsters to ignore Physical Damage Reduction (this is purely a wording change).
The Expedition Remnant modifier that previously caused Monsters to Overwhelm Physical Damage Reduction now causes Monsters to ignore Physical Damage Reduction (this is purely a wording change).
Simulacrum modifiers that previously granted Monsters 5-10% Overwhelm and 10-25% Physical Damage Reduction now grant 15-25% Physical Damage Reduction

Please show me where that is… the only thing that got reduced is rare monster with overwhelm 30% is now 15% but if the mod says overwhelm physical reduction, im pretty sure its still 100%.
Last edited by TheSeekerFromPOE on Jul 20, 2024, 1:21:33 PM
The Rare Monster modifier that previously caused the Monster to Overwhelm 30% Physical Damage Reduction now causes the Monster to apply the Crushed debuff on hit.
The Battering Vaal Side Area modifier can no longer appear.
The Ultimatum modifier that previously caused Monsters to Overwhelm Physical Damage Reduction now causes Monsters to ignore Physical Damage Reduction (this is purely a wording change).
The Expedition Remnant modifier that previously caused Monsters to Overwhelm Physical Damage Reduction now causes Monsters to ignore Physical Damage Reduction (this is purely a wording change).
Simulacrum modifiers that previously granted Monsters 5-10% Overwhelm and 10-25% Physical Damage Reduction now grant 15-25% Physical Damage Reduction

Please show me where that is… the only thing that got reduced is rare monster with overwhelm 30% is now 15% but if the mod says overwhelm physical reduction, im pretty sure its still 100%.

Ultimatum and expedition mods can be avoided. Random rares don't. Same goes for Simulacrum, where you can't pick modifiers after starting it.

As an endurance charges player that has been more or less forced to opt for phys taken as X, I'm very fine with the changes, even though I still feel dmg taken as isn't punished enough by monster mods.
I do alot of delving on HC SSF/ruthless and that mod cannot be avoided and is random but is usually followed up by the soul eater mod haha.
friendly reminder
Logically, one end of the possible balance outcomes is equilibrium, and the other end is disequilibrium.
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finisterre wrote:
friendly reminder
Logically, one end of the possible balance outcomes is equilibrium, and the other end is disequilibrium.

What is this "equilibrium" you speak of?
Kaukus1 wrote:

Where are you now? In the discussions, you constantly said GGG should by no means increase numbers and DMG effectiveness. Where are those who believed only POE2 could solve the problem? You talked nonsense here every day and said a rework wouldn't happen because it's not possible in POE1.
Where are those who said Melee is fine?
You achieved NOTHING with your rubbish opinions.

You chatterboxes. Thanks to the whole GGG team.

Seems he's on probation. I was wondering where he was because normally he's flaming the hell out of every buff melee post. So I went back to find one of my last dealt with him and found he's on "Probation".
Glorfndel01 wrote:
What is this "equilibrium" you speak of?

An observed state as the result of balancing.
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Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】https://bit.ly/2wXiUSj
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】https://bit.ly/3I22mru
The new league looks great, and I do love that they've spent a bunch of time buffing melee skills, and also rethinking what melee even means. The idea that melee characters should do the damage themselves, and be rewarded for doing so, would seem to indicate that they're on the right track. I'm really excited to get in and play with some of the updated skills.

That said, I don't think that GGG themselves would claim that these changes 100% fix everything wrong with PoE1's melee gameplay. They've been pretty clear about the impact that PoE1's lackluster melee skill animations have on the feel of melee gameplay, and I didn't seen any mention of those being updated. And that's before we even talk about the definition of the word "melee," which is close-quarters combat, and then reckon with the fact that most of PoE1's "melee" skills hit enemies at range, or clear entire screens with AoE effects.

So, yes, I love the melee changes. Hell, I love all the changes -- the QoL stuff is great. I'm excited for 3.25. But no, PoE1 melee is probably not entirely fixed yet, and I'm also still looking forward to PoE2 which promises to have much better melee gameplay, if only because it was a major focus from day 1. All of these things can be true at the same time.
I AM READY. Nov. 15th, here we come!
Waitubold wrote:
The new league looks great

It dose, and should look great BUT it may not be the buff you think it is.
While the damage effectiveness for most melee skills is getting buffed they also seem to be removing the flat physical that those skills used to have, so while the skill may end up being buffed it won't be as much as people initially think

Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
finisterre wrote:
Glorfndel01 wrote:
What is this "equilibrium" you speak of?

An observed state as the result of balancing.

My bad.

I forgot the /s

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