Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Teasers



While every exile and their mother are going: "BOAT LEAGUE!", which, don't get me wrong - is fun and all, I, however instantly thought of: "holup a minute - that's EXACTLY prequel to one of the acts, that we've seen in PoE 2! Awesome!".

Crossing my fingers for it to be a thing.
They cooked! <3
So all auras nerfed by 50%.
last "quality of life" was remove lmb. so im sraced when see "QoL"
I was trying for the first time Armour Stacker to test so can do one on 3.25 but I guess is not worthy
Venezuela es mi barrio, y odio mi barrio.
Amante de las abejas🐝
its so funny that shit like that needed to be added 5 years ago. but most funny part is that things like that is poe 1 teasers :D like o loook we finaly added future that others games had for last decade wooohooo look at us working hard :D
anti4z500 wrote:
its so funny that shit like that needed to be added 5 years ago. but most funny part is that things like that is poe 1 teasers :D like o loook we finaly added future that others games had for last decade wooohooo look at us working hard :D

What other games have the same features poe has and this new change? None.
Good job not appreciating anything.
nerf league? again? please....NO. t17 already kicks hard enough and t16 are completely useless after scarab rework
anti4z500 wrote:
its so funny that shit like that needed to be added 5 years ago. but most funny part is that things like that is poe 1 teasers :D like o loook we finaly added future that others games had for last decade wooohooo look at us working hard :D

5? i think ppl asked for this over 10 years ago...but now we have the tech

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