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hyyyben wrote:
Jovianyn wrote:
Tresemme wrote:
Why softcore ?

If you make ruthless league might as well make it hardcore ! ;D


Not everyone have a good PC and Internet connection. That's why, for example, 95% deaths of my characters in PoE.
And I don't want to join that logout-macro-players community.

Better some mods for harder content, like speed, dmg, AoE -- this IS fun.

Lets discuss mods ;-)

Sadly I have very limited time to play rn cos of alot of work I have every summer. So, better to ask somebody else -- those, who really want to play more often and can coop, aid, etc.

As for me -- adding low tier mods like I mentioned would be great.
Also, banning some S-tier builds would be nice too.
Lightning arrow,
Ele hit of spectrum,
Any DD,
SRS minion,
etc (?)

And name it "FEEL THE PAIN" of smthing :P .

Tresemme wrote:
Ok mr bad computer and internetz but plays coc dd... I have seen the light! SC is the best girl and friendship with HC is over.

Try to assemble CoC DD like I did in SSF Ruthless and never die even in a white map. Then we will talk.
Ill look at mods little later, just got home.

It does not matter if you have alot or less time to play, all that matters is that you make an effort.

Feel free to add me on discord: jma1992
Should be my name, and feel free to pm who you are if u add me.

I dont have a discord server or anything, im not that hightech or advanced.

For me personally, doesnt matter what ppl wants to play, - but if you can, try something new, or better yet, try out the first skill/ build you tried the first time you played path of exile, or the first ruthless enabled skilll you tried when you found poe.

Sadly I have very limited time to play rn cos of alot of work I have every summer. So, better to ask somebody else -- those, who really want to play more often and can coop, aid, etc.

As for me -- adding low tier mods like I mentioned would be great.
Also, banning some S-tier builds would be nice too.
Lightning arrow,
Ele hit of spectrum,
Any DD,
SRS minion,
etc (?)

And name it "FEEL THE PAIN" of smthing :P .


Put in the time you can dude. Ill let you guys know when its created : )
Last edited by hyyyben on Jun 29, 2024, 1:48:35 PM
Link to the league

It will start in roughly 4 hours. Ill crowdfund the 120 points when im at my pc. I hope you will join in!

Discord : jma1992
Jovianyn wrote:
Tresemme wrote:
Ok mr bad computer and internetz but plays coc dd... I have seen the light! SC is the best girl and friendship with HC is over.

Try to assemble CoC DD like I did in SSF Ruthless and never die even in a white map. Then we will talk.

I don't think you understood what I meant but coc dd is not lag friendly build for toasters with internet issues. Nothing special for ssf this season since crazies been running in full t1 rares 1 month in the league thanks to corpsecrafting...

As for the private league, I am personally not bothered with extra mods but SC has always felt like disregard everything but dmg which almost always leads to few select builds that excel.

Perhaps build restriction would make ppl get a bit more creative.

I can still see ppl gravitate to arma brand + crema leveling since it is so busted for casters for example. So restrictions would have to be extensive to be actually impactful. There was already one ruthless league ran by jeko with somewhat decent ban list for skills, perhaps you could look it up and amend / change / fix to what you think is right. Other way is to pull data from something like poe ninja and just axe everything that was very popular.

Think there this was link to wall of text, I can't say all bans were justified, since some skills listed on the list are rather underperforming certain trans gem versions are not that amazing and certain things could surely be added in there too but to each own discretion.
Last edited by Tresemme on Jun 29, 2024, 11:53:59 PM
I dont have any way, besides kicking, to punish ppl that would go for a banned skill. But i have an idea, i tested it out before, it firces one to be creative. Check my original post, the first one.
I have almost zero time rn. Wish such PL was started 1-2 vonths before. Anyway, applied. :) Maybe will get some support gems for those in need.

So, no banned builds? Maybe atleast DD, LA and Ele hit?
hyyyben wrote:
I dont have any way, besides kicking, to punish ppl that would go for a banned skill. But i have an idea, i tested it out before, it firces one to be creative. Check my original post, the first one.

Oh, shit, seems like too much creativity :P
That's rough! LoL
Last edited by Jovianyn on Jun 29, 2024, 2:33:31 PM
Jovianyn wrote:
I have almost zero time rn. Wish such PL was started 1-2 vonths before. Anyway, applied. :) Maybe will get some support gems for those in need.

So, no banned builds? Maybe atleast DD, LA and Ele hit?

Rule is that you must play a 0.0% skill, can be seen on

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