I'm So EXCITED to ShaRe with You the #7 Fun Fact:

Cows Have NeaRly 360 Degree Vision?! WOW!!
They can See EveryThing Around Them! It's Like They Have SUPER POWERS!

I Love Cows so Much, I Can't Even!!
I Hope You're all HaVing An Udderly AmaZing Day! HAHA!

Cows Make Me So HaPpy, I Want To Moo All Day Long!
Is this Arimor when they were a kid? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfpRK7qdn_4
kolyaboo wrote:

Look at this cow out of hell I just found!

Lachdanan wrote:

if we post an ascii image of cow udders and all yell praise in global, do we get banned?
[Removed by Support]
Thats a philosopical question.
On one hand you have the virtual survivability of an avatar.
On the other you have the pursuit of happiness in real life.
One day, one of these facts will probably net me the correct answer on Jeopardy! It might not be soon, maybe years from now, but I believe.
Lachdanan wrote:
Thats a philosopical question.
On one hand you have the virtual survivability of an avatar.
On the other you have the pursuit of happiness in real life.

Do you know something I don't?
Krillson gave me this helmet today. I thought it was oddly fitting with your comment..
Last edited by MunchaMonst on Jun 27, 2024, 2:27:49 PM


I'm So EXCITED to ShaRe with You the #8 Fun FaCt:

Did you Know that Cows Can Run Up to 25 MPH?! WOW!!

They Can Run Faster Than You Think!

I Love Cows so Much, I Can't Contain My ExciteMent!!

I Hope You're all HaVing An Udderly AmaZing Day! YAY!


Is this Arimor when they were a kid? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfpRK7qdn_4
@Monstamunch: fixed the link (to 'this helmet') 4u.
MunchaMonst wrote:
Krillson gave me this helmet today. I thought it was oddly fitting with your comment..
relax - it's just ones and zeros!
Last edited by TRPV1 on Jun 27, 2024, 1:58:07 PM


#9 Fun Fact:
Did you Know That Cows Can ProDuce Over 200,000 Glasses of Milk in TheIr LifetImes?! WOW!!

That's a LOT of DeliCious Milk! I Hope I Can Drink That Much In My Life!!1


Is this Arimor when they were a kid? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfpRK7qdn_4
Last edited by UdderQuanDairy on Jun 28, 2024, 12:26:38 PM

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