[3.25] Rider of the Spiritstorm - Chargestacker Scion of Tornadoes
" Ooh right I forgot about that, if you have time and don't mind, could you make a passive tree for it? |
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I just realized my current build is literal dog water and I was browsing builds until I saw yours. Is it possible to start this with a budget of 5-10D ? I am not sure if any cheap version exists that can smoothly progress and farm up + progress the Atlas until being able to get currency to get the most expensive things. EDIT: I am retarded. Yeah, I saw the cheap version. Looks solid. Only 1 question about it: Is it durable enough to sweep through white/yellow maps and early reds ? Last edited by JayJayFly#6010 on Aug 1, 2024, 4:18:15 PM
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I'm on white maps with this build right now, and I've been cruising through really well. Pretty cheap too - between 1 and 2 divs worth of gear. I'm using Inquisitor ascendancy - Tsunamikun talked about using deadeye and I can definitely see why, but I play with a friend so I like putting out the consecrated ground. Having a lot of fun.
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" Hello, I'm currently playing the build, the character is Stormrider_girlie. My current gear is about ~3d max and i'm at t16 also dropped deadeye, frenzy charge is clunky as hell und just for tailwind it blows. Using inqi for pure dmg. maybe use either pathfinder/saboteur for flesh until i actually dropp unelased potential or the prices drop to a manageable level Also currently redesigning the defense part. The aura nerf is hard, so i'm experimenting. Current Build: Penance Brand God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 Last edited by tsunamikun#0433 on Aug 3, 2024, 1:54:20 PM
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Scion is my favourite class purely on aesthetics and animations alone, and I'm really interested in playing Tornado. Would you say this build is better than the Inquisitor Tornado build? I'm somewhat of a noob when it comes to understanding builds - I've only just ever picked something on a 'best league starter' list and just copied the PoB... Not really good at discerning what a build is good/better at than other builds just by looking at gear and stats. I'd love to play this scion build over the inquisitor (giraffe neck man), but I'd like to know at the least if I'm compromising on function over choosing the fashionable scion!
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hello , im might be blind or i don't know but what is forbidden flesh and forbidden flame modifier?
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" in the final form, this build uses unleashed potential, the uber flame/flesh combination. currently this is about 120 div or so, i simply don't use any of those yet as all other additional ascendancies give less than i gain with 2 abyss jewels. hopefully this answers your question Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 |
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Looks fun. Will make it for the next character. So, holding off on unleashed potential for a long awhile. What two ascendancies did you decide on? How is your progress and experimenting going? Ty
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Hey I'm currently playing this build and really really enjoying it and it seems very well put together. It reminds me a lot of Hurricane Druid in D2! I do however have a question about the + max endurance charges you've been picking up on the tree. I can't see any way to generate endurance charges outside of having Unleashed Potential set up, which is a ways away. What am I missing here?
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" I currently use a small cluster jewel with enduring composure to generate endurance charges. other option would be to use enduring cry, but only if you don't use commandment of the pit gloves. sockets are valuable. and no, still don't know what to settle on for the second ascendancy... currently trying pathfinder, but it feels weak without additional flask nodes and we can't afford more... But here the candidate list and why: inqi: pure dmg, the consecrated ground is nice but niche. pathfinder: more flask uptime, more movementspeed, no need for bleed lifeflask... but no 100% flask uptime :/ gladiator(yes you read that right): 50% block and up to 50% more damage after a long while, more realistic are ~15% more dmg outside of uber pinnacle deadeye: better mark, tailwind, very weak frenzy charge gen (should be better with unleashed potential) " Ok, after looking up some of the inquisitor builds for tornado, the scion has a higher damage cap. with a bit lower survivability. at least when comparing the ultimate versions against each other. Most of the inqui builds seem to tamper out under 10 mil dps, while the scion is able to get a little bit more. There are some variations with dallias chest that can reach similar damage numbers but loose out on survival then. with the new weapon enchants we may get a little bit of dps too, we will see ;) Current Build: Penance Brand God build?! https://pobb.in/bO32dZtLjji5 Last edited by tsunamikun#0433 on Aug 6, 2024, 8:24:58 AM
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