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Development Stories - Creating Necropolis Lore

Please just DELETE this league ASAP
Playing marauder @ Hardcore leagues

Most biget not fun legue ever , u force u bulshit on us i have onli9 negative on me and i never drop ani t17 and i do 100+ t16 map ... u legue suks and if u make legue onli for u 1% stremer em im not vit u there ........... most not fun and forcet on us mehanik ever i have map negative + legue negative + random mehanik negative + surver delai and all ist not fun and frustrating . u lead u stremer get all lot and nerf avriting for res of us por to strugle in dam mud
to the person above me - this is not constructive nor helpful
Last edited by DaisySunshine#7767 on Apr 24, 2024, 11:29:47 PM
why did you killed all farm content?
How bout we talk about the awful drop rates(which great endgame builds takes hundreds of divines to min max and out together properly) or that xp gain is atrocious but you lose 10% on death or how bout we talk about t17s suppose to be a bridge between reg pinnacles and Ubers but instead are the hardest content in game almost equivalent to valdo.
xEnyCe30 wrote:
How bout we talk about the awful drop rates(which great endgame builds takes hundreds of divines to min max and out together properly) or that xp gain is atrocious but you lose 10% on death or how bout we talk about t17s suppose to be a bridge between reg pinnacles and Ubers but instead are the hardest content in game almost equivalent to valdo.

i got lv100 if u do a tree with breach and packsize and do dunes u get 2% exp each map in the lv 99... need the scarab that shrine give +30% exp and stack them in the map
is not that hard

leveling tree bellow

the itens cost many divines but they are kinda easy to get costing like 97c
people with gear can get many stuff worthy 1 div
if u spend the currency amberflame u get like 400 chaos orb in 1 map, even the harbinger bait give profit
i dont know about console anyways
Last edited by Mokurp#2464 on Apr 25, 2024, 6:39:44 PM
Can you also share a story how you came up with banning trade via chat mutes that last hundreds of hours? :)

Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.

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