3.24.2 Patch Notes

Keeps updating :( on steam
Can't update yet.
delete this league
If you read this, you are a noob like me =(
Fix patch please?
you're not downloading 38GBs, guys, you're validating the files you already have. Please don't shitpost if you can't even tell what your computer is doing.
thank you ggg. Great time for update. You guys are so smart
:D Well, it looks like that not getting the update is a problem on steam's end and not really GGGs fault. But still...

Is there anything you wont blame GGG for? :P

Game says to update, but there's no update available on steam.
Patch the patch. OMG.
jujuman wrote:
I'm sure you guys noticed it by now but the Steam Patch did not apply correctly.

I remember having this issue last league, I think the only way I fixed it was to uninstall the game and re-install it. I am gonna wait a little bit before doing that though maybe they will fix it.

its making me do 38 gigabyte updates every time. i'm pretty sure that is the whole damn game i'm reinstalling again lol

Thats not the upadate is steam validating over and over

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