Fractured Influenced items are now possible due to Necropolis crafting

1 word - facepalm

it shouldnt exist
KoTLIIpeguHrePa wrote:
1 word - facepalm

it shouldnt exist

dont worry they will patch it. this is the league of mid league patches.
IrishRoyal wrote:

Well... shit.

Unironic slide every stat to the right PoB item. Jeez

The fractured base was the failure from an attempt to get ele weak fractured from the graveyard (have gotten 3 other curses so far, no ele weak -.-) so I chaos spammed for a warlord affix to get ele weak in from a random 20c ring, got lucky with the int on the woke orb, got lucky with the veiled orb too saving the warlord mod but honestly I wouldn't have cared to lose that anyway. You can probably very easily make a nutty crit ring using the warlord crit multi suffix on such a base and transfer in your favourite curse and you're done with suffixes.

Again the fractured base was probably a failure from some big crafter I bought for 5d (very good snag). I transferred in hunter and spammed loathings / exalt when 1 influenced prefix. Kinda got lucky again and hit the elevation first try :) but this is cheap to get with a couple divs in essences anyway (+2 for the orb ofc). Made a business decision to not push my luck with a veiled orb since these cost me under 10d and I didn't feel doubling the cost for 10ms.

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