[3.25] KissMeQuick's Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion Occultist 💀❄️ Starter — T17 — Sim 30 — Uber Bosses
Uhm any help with this seems really squishy while doing t16s
https://pobb.in/NU4v2d7Mhmzu i get tapped most of the time from out of nowhere is there something im doing really badly? |
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" Consensus seems to be that phys defenses are really lacking on this build and I agree. Unfortunately, there's not much room for adding another layer of defense considering all the build-enabling unique gear. Your best bet is maximizing damage IMO. That's what I've been doing at least. I don't plan on leveling further than 95 and just run the juiciest content I can. |
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I have played this build for two seasons now both to 100, and I really think it's just so much more smooth on a rare chest than the dialla's(This is after playing on a +1+2 one last season) Damage feels fine, I have done all content this season.
Last edited by Sibs#2986 on Aug 31, 2024, 11:42:34 AM
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" You're probably right. |
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" I switched out to using a build modeled on yours and find myself struggling with single target DPS. Is there a synergy or something I may have missed or is it likely just weaker gear? Last edited by Ramennoodlecup#7757 on Sep 11, 2024, 3:09:31 PM
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I haven't played almost at all since Legion (apart from a brief, incompetent stint with dot-focused Exsanguinate in Ultimatum) and decided to give this a try.
I switched to it a few days ago on a budget of about 7 divs with almost fully unlocked atlas, and here are my observations and some questions. Build so far: https://pobb.in/lxRQKKrxHAXy Observations: - leveling wasn't terrible, but didn't feel great either. Keeping Exsanguinate in Honourhome during campaign helped a bit. - Build popped into its own at 72, when i could switch to a 21 gem (surprisingly cheap) and finally remembered that chain support is a thing. - Topping elemental resistances without the "expensive" corrupts is a pain and then some. I couldn't find any ring with solid resists AND frostbite, so in the end I had to go with 2 wonky jewels and 2 points into Practical Application passive - With the key uniques covered (except for Dialla's) I mostly had no issues going into non-corrupted T16s at 72 and before I noticed I hit 89 - only then xp massively slowed down and I realized I'm dying way too often. - Herald of Purity is better dps, especially for bosses, but Herald of Ash just feels 10x nicer for mapping - on audio/visual level :D - This is the first time I've done the Feared (haven't reached endgame since Legion). I can't say it was entirely smooth, since I'm not familiar with their... lowered damage taken phases (?), but I managed to kill them on 6th portal. Clearly this build must be doing a lot of shit right if I can do one of the seemingly most hated encounters without practice. Questions: - By far, the worst thing of all is mobility - the character is so painfully slow and the frostblink cooldown feels like it's taking forever. How on earth do I move about and dodge spammy mechanics? I'm trying frostblink of Wintry Blast with faster casting, spell echo and arcane surge in helmet. It feels better mobility-wise, but is a bit junky and perilous on mana - it costs like 2/3 of my mana pool and dropping any of the supports makes it feel extremely junky. EDIT: Dropped the Frostblink of Wintry Blast to lvl 1, lowering its cost from 62 to 25 - helped a lot of chain casting it. Still feels very derpy. I'm also at a bit of a loss with normal Frostblink - included PoBs set it to ~0.8s cd, while I have 1.35 ingame and frankly I cannot find where lies the difference - If anything as much as sneezes on me in melee range, i get stunlocked and die. I don't have Immutable Force nor do I fully understand how stun & block recovery works in PoE - is it anything like hit recovery in D2 and thus will it help with getting stunlocked by melee hits? - Casting brands feels extremely clunky - the cast time (feels like I'm stunning myself), the mana cost (eats into my 99 unres mana budget for emergency blink), the duration. Also I'm a bit confused on the storm + arcanist brand interaction - aren't we limited to only 1 brand on the enemy? - I wasn't able to find Hrims with both temp chains & enfeeble. I'm currently running temp chains instead of punishment but I'm wondering whether it's worth it - how critical is temp chains on bosses? - I struggle dps-wise with some content. A notable silly example is map boss on Burial Grounds - I can burst roughly 50% of her hp, and then she becomes nigh on unkillable for me and just eats me alive if I as much as pause to cast while she is on the screen. What do? Is my 10mln boss dps simply too low for her? Likewise, T17 bosses seem pretty much unkillable - I managed to kill fortress boss on 3rd map (running with the 50% to not consume portals scarab) and only when I had 0 explicits affecting it. Likewise Strand boss can be a struggle (and he often oneshots me with flicker strike from offscreen). While other bosses, such as Carcass boss are pretty much a <1s kill. A bit confused wtf. - Upgrade order I'm currently considering is: +1 power charge on head > Anoint (Disciple of the Slaughter is what PoB usually keeps throwing at me) > Bottled Faith > Switching my silly chaos res cluster jewel to the Light of Meaning and reclaiming 4 passives - Game claims I have immunity to Shock, and for the love of everything I cannot figure out where it's coming from. EDIT: i just realized i can hoover over defensive stats in PoB and it shows their source. So it's coming from Tempest Shield? Does it mean I'm also immune to shocked ground or are these 2 things separate? - I could switch my Militant Faith from all res + mana regen to all res + reduced duration of ailment - but is it worth it? We have frozen/chill immunity. In theory shock immunity (i still don't know where it's coming from) so that would only affect ignite? All res + inc elmental dmg is 7 div, so not on the purchasing list right now. - Assuming you're running normal Frostblink, wouldn't Bonechill support be absolutely amazing for overall dps or am I missing something? Last edited by JasminTheMarquis#5793 on Sep 15, 2024, 3:40:40 AM
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Is this possible in phrecia? Will bog shaman do anything for this?
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