3.24.1 Patch Notes

I am almost never write anything on forum and never (as far as I remember) complained about anything.

But nerfing something, that is obviously the most fun thing this league have (had) in the middle of the game and in such manner - is outrageous. This is not something that GGG I knew would do.

U'v just managed to make a man who was literally obsessed with the league mechanics and how they were played to drop league in 5 minutes.

And after 10+ years of playing POE, I, for the first time thinking about droping the game for good. Such decision making that u'v shown today is nothing but unprofessional.
Last edited by Valm0nT on Apr 11, 2024, 12:37:58 AM
ThePr0fess0r wrote:
Awesome, steamers and no lifer's have their $$, so lets nerf the shit out of it for the 99%....good job GGG.

thats how it goes...and this is the second time it happened this league
Roll back or restart the league
Valm0nT wrote:
I am almost never write anything on forum and never (as far as I remember) complained about anything.

But nerfing something, that is obviously the most fun thing this league have (had) in the middle of the game and in such manner - is outrageous. This is nothing GGG I knew would have done.

U'v just managed to make a man who was literally obsessed with the league mechanics and how they were played to drop league in 5 minutes.

And after 10+ years of playing POE, I, for the first time thinking about droping the game for good. Such decision making that u'v shown today is nothing but unprofessional.

Why are you complaining just because you can't make multiple mirrors anymore? It completely has fucked the economy. Plus, if you were playing 10 years ago, h ow did you manage when there was hardly ANY loot in the game back in 2015?
Even I can't cope hard enough to find a way to not be pissed that they nerfed every juicing strategy.

What's even left after this.

Guess in the end we did end up going full circle
It saddens me as a ssf player too see so many mid league changes. The testing was so bad they deemed it necessary even though GGG's policy for years was not to mess this much with gamers gameplay.

It has been 2 weeks, I had stashed my 5 exile allflames that I farmed for quite a while and then do 5 juiced maps to enjoy a bit of what I had seen in streams and youtube.

My first dissapointment was when I bought tabs to store so many corpses to craft average rare gear.

Now you are changing the deal....

It didnt take an experienced tester to see how broken the div scarabs were, those are the problems.

And dont get me started on the ninja loot nerfs you implement thinking we dont notice.
After things are ruined it gets fucked with some more, might be better overall but way too late. Garbage
Tripolar bear spent 8 hours leveling the cheiftan and all of last night buying the gear. He was about to do the first map and the patch note announcement in-game came up and bro rage quit stream xdd. Funniest shit trying to panic sell the 1 curation scarab he had LMAO

Ya'll acting like affliction wasn't an insane league and items beside maybe 10 were dirt cheap.
Ya'll acting like affliction wasn't an insane league and items beside maybe 10 were dirt cheap.

This is like Affliction league if they nerfed the Abyss/multi-proj interaction 1.5 weeks into the league.
Gopstop22 wrote:
so i droped mageblood with the rogue exile strat right before they nerfed and sold my mageblood for 130d knowing they would go down in price even more but after this patch they went to 200d+

Guess you didn't "know" then.

Quite obvious that prices would skyrocket the second a broken mechanic is being taken out and people can't make bank anymore. The reason for prices to go lower and lower these past few days was because everyone got richer, headhunters and magebloods dropping like candy. Without this broken mechanic, the influx of t0 uniques goes down and prices go up.

That's really no rocket science. You took a massive L I guess, but 130d are still 130d. ;-)
Last edited by SloppyJoker on Apr 11, 2024, 12:59:07 AM

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