3.24.0b Hotfix 2

Map sustain nerfed, end game solo mf nerfed, unique drops nerfed, builds nerfed, boring league mechanic, forced interaction, LMB "changes" aka nerfs and now this... I'm so done.
Last edited by John_Reborn#0724 on Apr 4, 2024, 8:25:49 AM
On the off-chance that someone in there has blown this same whistle, please allow me to share my point of view. I'm very disappointed to have foolishly believed that GGG was different, that it cared about what it did.

It looks a lot like you've spent the last season squeezing developers to deliver a very daring white elephant project. Too many assets and hype in a short timebox; leaving no time for usability, functionality and tests. The center of the new mechanics turned out to be a list with one text input (where one would plan their crafts), which is quite basic as it is, and which you had to once again put pressure on people to "fix" post-launch because of how bad it was... and that one search text input still doesn't quite function properly, after all of that ordeal.

I was super excited for a new crafting mechanic, few days into the league and I miss alt-spamming things. I hope I'm wrong and there's something of actual entertainment value to be achieved by pushing through in the Morgue.

On top of all of that you've irresponsibly thrown currency at people along with a hotfix...? I'm not even going to mention what that looks like. Of all games, of all places, this is where the supply/demand principles will be thrown out of the window?

I really wanted to come up with a build idea this league, and for the first time since I've created my account in PoE Beta, I wanted to play a league end-to-end, and I will do so. May I ask you to please think things through a little so that me and everybody else who cares won't be too miserable?

Last edited by Wessek#1850 on Apr 4, 2024, 8:00:49 AM
ashburn40 wrote:
But why would you nerf it like this instead of preventing the devoted mods from being rerolled if you didn't actually complete the map? makes no sense?????

Strongly agree. Nerfing the drop rate in general after a some of people have gained loads of divines is simply unfair to everyone who didn't know about this or simply didn't encounter a divine mod yet.

Nerfing the packsize in the the frog etc. allflames is also a dumb take. Plus I thought you guys don't do mid league nerfs? Well... overall L decisions. Very disappointing.
POE 3.24 should be called April 3rd league instead of necropolis league because if you were able to play that day then you basically won. This either should not have been patched out or it should have been rolled back. Advantaging players that were able to play on a single day to this extreme is complete bullsh*t. I think the patch two days ago went way too far but undoing it in this manner is the worst possible scenario. Leave it or roll it back and deal with the consequences of either
Really annoying that this once again enforces degen gameplay. Anyone who wasnt able to play for the day it was live gets screwed. Should revert the change and make mods less likely (or not at all) show up if the previous map boss wasnt cleared + 50% map cleared.
ashburn40 wrote:
But why would you nerf it like this instead of preventing the devoted mods from being rerolled if you didn't actually complete the map? makes no sense?????

Honestly, this was like being between a rock and a hard place.

GGG could sit there and let the economy go to heist league levels of absurdness or they could step in and salvage it.

IF they did not step in, people would be pointing out how toxic the fishing strat was and that playing the game feels bad because they could make more money by fishing.

By stepping in, now people are hyper upset they missed out(at least I think that's what it's mostly from)

I think the best way to handle it would have been to keep it BUT you only have the same chance if you finish so much of the map(be that a certain number of mob kill/boss kill), if you are fishing, you have either 0 or way lower odds to hit divines. Sure, you could say people would just run maps fast and go again, and they could, but that's far less toxic than fishing, and you are still playing the game.

Either way, "Well, you're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't."

lost interest in playing the game after reading the nerf, well DONE! sigh

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