3.24.0b Patch Notes

Game is crashing post patch when loading town. Ran the PackCheck and shows fine, really wanted to give this league another chance, but its not being made easy ontop of the already mega upsetting getting killed 2-4 times a map to some unavoidable mod added to the map via the mechanic without my choice, going to re-install, if it doesnt work, this might be the last time I try loading necropolis. Super frustrating league mechanic for ADHD people.
SultryNoir wrote:
Game is crashing post patch when loading town. Ran the PackCheck and shows fine, really wanted to give this league another chance, but its not being made easy ontop of the already mega upsetting getting killed 2-4 times a map to some unavoidable mod added to the map via the mechanic without my choice, going to re-install, if it doesnt work, this might be the last time I try loading necropolis. Super frustrating league mechanic for ADHD people.

5k max hit enjoyers. Works fine for me
On Probation Any%
Alexander_GGG wrote:
Up until this patch, Console was keeping pace with PC. Which was great. I appreciate it very much.

Is there a reason that this patch is PC-first? Also, eta for console?
Hi. Console patches are ready on our end but are currently going through the platform side certification. We expect them to go out in the next 24 hours.

Excellent. Thanks for the update.
Now we just need a Necropolis Corpse/Allflame Affinity and league is good :D
I find myself beyond frustrated with this league. Not because of the league mechanic itself however, but because of the ridiculous amount of crashing, desyncing, and graphical issues that I have literally never had with any previous leagues to this extent. Blight is unplayable with minion builds, because I crash. Even after this patch. Party play, I lag so horribly that I eventually desync into a full client crash. People in global are still having the same issues with other builds. Why are we less than a week in, 7 hot fixes in, and still so many issues? I ran JUST LAST LEAGUE on max graphic settings, I have since gone to bare minimum wherever I possibly could, and still my game looks like crap and I'm still crashing. I'm about ready to just stop playing this game all together.
Crashes on Mac during the update process... And I just got the game today :(

Update: Solution from https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3446104 seems to work
Last edited by abatyuk#2037 on Apr 3, 2024, 4:26:33 AM
crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crashcrash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash crash
Thank you!
Started playing in Ultimatum and got serious in Archnemesis.

PoE IGN: Ash_SoK
PoE2 IGN: EmilCioran_
Steam friend code: 413758162
The drop rate of T 17 is still horrendous so you are forced to purchase those maps and it is a lot worse than it was before with the elder and shaper sets.
The current state of uber farming looks like D4 and not PoE
Devoted Modifiers that provide a chance to convert a type of item to a specific item type have had their values increased.

Should this say decreased? I tried some convert to scarab map after the patch and I got roughly 98% less scarabs compared to before patch.

Not complaining btw, I think it should have been nerfed, just confused at the wording in the patch notes

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